Chapter 66: Memories

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The following week was spent trying to get away from the order. The first two days were a manhunt and the third was a corpse search. The next day they recalled all of the common foot soldiers and sent out those of higher rank. They not only knew I was alive but that there were monsters in the area.
The hellhound who revealed her name to be Christine took care of me like it was her purpose in life to do so. Anything that could be a threat was a threat in her eyes. Every night she would find a place for us to sleep and then disappear for a long time. She would always be resting next to me in the morning with her arms and legs wrapped around me. Sometimes she would be asleep other time she would be awake and either kissing or nuzzling against me.
During the day she would talk about the old world and how her species used to act. I learned that she was suppressing her natural instincts and would continue to do so until she got me out of order territory. This was hard because everywhere monsters were being killed and the amount of neutral land was decreasing as the order saw sympathizers as traitors.
The scenery changed to include snow and as the days continued to pass we agreed that north was the right way to go. As someone who excelled in STEM classes I was able to know what the order used in their armor. Hydraulics ran through the inner plating in order to compensate for the weight of the armor meaning it would be harder to gain control of colder areas.
It wasn't until a snowy night that I realized I had never experienced cold before. Christine gave me her shirt and pulled me into an embrace. If I was freezing I would've been blushing like a kid on their first date.
"Aren't you cold?" I asked as my teeth chattered.
"Yes, but I'll manage." Christine answered.
I could feel her shivering slightly but she tensed up seconds later to hide it.
"Let's find a place to stay for the night, since you're so worried about me we'll keep each other warm."

I woke up the next morning and Christine wasn't next to me. I figured that she went out but she never wasn't here when I was awake. There were footprints in the snow and I decided to follow them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move and I was suddenly thrusted to the ground.
"Finally!" A woman panted.
I tried to push her off of me but whatever this monster was she clearly was stronger than me. Her fur was white and she had large paws which where currently pressing down on my wrists.
"D-don't do this!" I begged.
"Are you scared, human? I'll take care of you, you won't be scared for long!"
I struggled against her grip. The paws sprouted claws and I felt a mixture of mana and blood drip from my wrists.
"Stop struggling!" She hissed.
"I'm already with someone!"
"I don't smell them on you."
There was a vicious growl from behind me and the pressure on my wrists lessened. I struggled to sit up and as I did someone wrapped their arms around me. Christine was panting and her paws were cut up, blood dripped from her wounds and mixed with my blood.
"You thought you could trick me?! I know your kind! Driven insane by the lack of men to the point where you will turn on your fellow monster! And look at him! He's bleeding heavily from the wrist, if I hadn't showed up you might've killed him you wretch!" Christine shouted.
The girl looked like she just realized what she had done. Her white paws were colored crimson and she looked down at them in horror. Seconds later she ran out of sight and Christine loosened up to the point where she had to stop herself from putting her entire weight on me.
"Y'know that bitch did help me learn something." Christine said.
"What?" I asked.
"How much I love you."
I blushed as Christine squeezed my body and nuzzled against the nape of my neck.
"She lured me to the bottom of a mountain and an ice spirit caused an avalanche. I almost suffocated under all that snow but before I did I imagined you waking up alone. Seeing you out this far from where I left you tells me that that horrific thought was right. Once we're out of these woods we're stopping at the first neutral village and I'm claiming you so this never happens again."
Christine carried me in her arms for the rest of the day and just as the sun started to set we came across a village. Christine spotted monsters within the village and cautiously approached it.
A lamia slithered towards us and Christine tensed up.
"An unclaimed human?" The lamia asked.
"Don't even think about it." Christine growled.
The lamia laughed.
"I wouldn't dream of angering a hellhound, especially when I'm out here in the freezing cold. It takes an intense amount of mana to keep myself from hibernating." The lamia said.
"Is there a place for us to stay at?" I asked tiredly.
The lamia looked at me and gasped.
"Poor thing! You look like it's your first time being outside."
"That's not far from the truth." I responded.

Later that night when we finally got settled down in our new room Christine almost immediately pushed me down onto the bed. Her instincts apparently took over and she rode me like a madwoman. Occasionally she would snap out of it to ask if I was alright. She pulled me into an embrace and wrapped her strong legs around my back as she whispered into my ears. It seemed like every time the words "good boy" exited her mouth I came inside of her. Right before I lost consciousness she got off of me and kissed my forehead. I was in her arms all that night and I never felt safer.

That night resulted in a child being born, a cute little heckpup named Hana. We thought we were safe from the order, we were fools. Then again it's not like it would've mattered as nowhere was safe. The lamia mayor wanted to keep the village neutral and chose to ignore the soldiers testing prototype armor. Then the attacks started. A few people volunteered to go and fight, others tried in vain to escape, and those who remained walled off the village.

I remember one night more vividly than the rest. The mayor called everyone to the town hall and once everyone left arrived we watched her being dragged out of the building by two soldiers. I wanted to run but out of the corner of my eye I saw soldiers aimed at the crowd of people.
The lamia looked at her people and whispered "Göttin mit uns." One singular gunshot was fired through her skull.
All hell broke loose, one soldier used a bow and the other used a gun. Everyone was a target and I'm not ashamed to say that our plan was to run. To this day I don't know why I was spared.

Present day....

I jolt upright in my bed and gasp for air. My head hurts and my ears ring. There's a liquid running from my mouth and in my panicked state I forget that drool was a thing and expect to find blood when I wiped it. On one side of me was Vin who began to ask me what was wrong and on the other side ass Christine who was shakier than she would admit since being brought back.
"I miss my little heckpup." I whispered.
The nice thing about having a mind flayer is that she knows how you feel, the nice thing about a hellhound is that nothing will hurt you while you're with her. This made my pain slightly better.

Forbidden love (MGE  harem fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant