"Sean and Freddie said they didn't do it, they weren't following her" Shoota mumbles into my ear lowly "they only go where Hezekiah is and he was at school at the time"

"Lucky getup and get the hell out" I shout as my body began to shake "first you take my nephew from me and now you accusing me of this bullshit, I wouldn't hurt Hezekiah like that or you"

"Ken, take a step back," Bubba says softly as he stands in front of me with his arms out blocking Lucky from my line of sight "just breathe"

A car sped into my yard blowing its horn, soon after I heard my name being yelled.

"Aye big bruh, stay out" Shoota pulls out his gun aiming at the front door "too much shit going on right now"

Laughing bitterly I welcome the darkness that consumed my mind and body as my vision went away and my limbs went numb.

"Ken? It's Bubba, I'm about to grab you don't hit me" My arms went around my waist, he started moving forward making me walk backward "I'm taking you to the kitchen so you can take your meds alright?"

"Kevin's here isn't he?" I chuckle rolling my shoulders back

"Yeah" Bubba huffs lifting me, onto a counter I'm assuming "you gotta get the blackouts under control mamas, one day you're going to end up hurting someone you care deeply about"

"Hezekiah's not here, I can't hurt him" I shrug carelessly

Bubba knows I love him but he also knows I won't hesitate to hurt him either. Lucky and Shoota knew this as well. I loved the three of them but if they got in my way I would take them down one by one.

"I'm not going to lie, that kind of hurt my feeling but it's whatever" he stood in between my legs grabbing a hold of my chin "open your mouth I'm about to put your pills on your tongue"

I opened my mouth slightly swinging my legs slowly, I felt him place three pills on my tongue then his hand on mines.

A cold bottle pressed in the palm of my hand, he instructed me to drink it. With his help, I brought it to my mouth and took a long sip swallowing the pills.

"Kennedy!" I heard Kevin's voice shout, coming closer

A laugh bubbled through my throat as I slid off the countertop and shook my hands.

"No" Bubba mumbles wrapping me up in his arms again, his lips brushed against my neck sending a shiver down my spine. "at least wait until your vision is back and can see clearly"

"Hercules! Go to ya mama before she kills that man, what type of service dog are you? Letting her get this far in her blackout, I'm surprised she's still able to talk and shit. Usually, she would've spazzed and attacked one of us by now" Shoota rants loudly

I heard a loud bark then a huge weight pressed against my side.

"Shoota don't yell at my baby, he knows I'm alright" I chuckle petting Hercules' head

"You say that now until you see them, hickeys, on—damn" he rambles "forget what I said"

"Bubba, Kevin has hickeys on him?" I question pushing him away harshly, moving Hercules' head off my stomach.

"Doesn't matter" Bubba responds abruptly, with a groan "damn Ken, you pushed me into the edge of the counter, shit hurt"

"Kevin?" I mutter angrily "why the fuck you got me out here looking stupid? Kissing up on me and now you choose to feel up on Dreka in a music video? And let's not forget the damn song is decadent to her, I've attempted to fix my ways for you and it was all for nothing!" I shout gripping Hercules ear firmly as she pressed his body against mine


"At least with Bubba he was cool with me having sex with females, I didn't have to change myself for him to wanna fuck with me" I huff lowly, it was half the truth

Bubba only allowed it when he could watch and join in, if he couldn't be there he wouldn't let me do it.

"Ken? I got a new race car!" I heard a kid like voice giggle "dad bought it for me"

"Khaza" I chuckle as my vision came back, blinking a few minutes I glared at the man before I then turned to his kid that stood at the threshold of the kitchen "show me later, I'm busy right now"

"Promise?" he raises an eyebrow crossing his arms

"Promise" I nod briskly

He went out the front door, closing it behind him.

Pulling my hand back I launched it at Kevin's face up it didn't make contact with him. Frowning I glanced at the hand that caught mines, swinging my leg forward I kicked Kevin's manhood.

"Bitch ass Lil nigga" I gasp as Bubba pulls me backward aggressively "fuck off me"

"Nah chill out, don't be putting ya hands-on men that didn't hit you first" he snaps glaring at me disappointedly "I'm not Game, you're not going to bitch me around"

Raising an eyebrow I nod reluctantly, Kevin mutters something that caused Bubba to tense and step closer to him.

I watched curiously as the two exchanged words moving closer to each other, Shoota strolled in lighting his blunt glancing at them that at me.

"Jeremiah is awake" he murmurs kissing my cheek "Ima go check on Mariah and Hezekiah, try not to end up in jail, sis"

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