Bonus chapter : short stories 3

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1. Poland

He's not glad or upset that he hadn't found anyone. He doubted that it mattered for the moment. What would his father think of him if he saw him like this? Almost literally cut in half by two Meg driven countries who decided that taking him apart would be fun. Soviet had apologized formally far long before he was a fallen but then the Megs were still in effect so he acted rather coldly.

As for Third, he'd long forgiven the man when they found him starved and covered in bruises and infected scars at an old bunker beneath Soviet's office. The unspeakable horror the man had gone through when the medical report was given to him, when his hospital was the one that treated the German, that was enough for him to forgive some of the cruel actions acted upon him during war. He pondered the man's state back then. Third was almost cut in half down the middle but the Meg made his captor cut him just enough to keep him alive. Traces of sexual violation was too clear and some of his organs had to be replaced as well.

" A miracle he survived." Poland mused as he sat comfortably by the fire. Lithuania was probably visiting the nordics at the time, he'd visit Pol from time to time. He wondered how long it took for him to recover back then both mentally and physically. " I guess I should be glad you don't have to see me like this, Father." He lit a cigarette and took a drag, musing the long scar over his forehead and the one on his jaw. Man, he felt old.

2. China

It wasn't that he didn't want to speak. He refused to. China couldn't understand why he was like this and every time he asked, Qing Dynasty would turn away from him. Under the law of Fallen, he can't force the old man. He offered the man various flavors of tea and even tried taking him to some floral areas like the mountains and forests to maybe put him at ease but the old man refused. Only wanting to stay in the house built for him in a small valley.

" Father, I've made you some chrysanthemum tea." China said as he placed the cup onto the polished table next to Qing Dynasty. He looked up at him with a small smile, hoping his father would return it. Qing Dynasty glanced at him, almost smiling but faltering quickly and turning away quickly. He moved in front of his father and stayed there for a couple minutes, hoping his father would look at him but to no avail. " Father," He began as knelt in front of the old dynasty. " Bàba, please. Won't you look at me?" He said softly as looked up at his father with pleading eyes. " Bàba, do you hate me?" China tugged at his clothes with one hand as he lowered his head, hiding his tearful eyes.

Qing Dynasty flinched slightly at the question but still refused to look at his son. Instead he pulled away China's hand and stood up, moving away from him.

" Bàba!" China called after him, scrambling to his feet. He caught the sleeve but only found it to be empty, Qing Dynasty's left arm wasn't there. Immediately, China released the sleeve and took a couple steps back. Of course, how could he have forgotten. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it and withdrew his hand. Looking down at his feet, he watched his father's shadow disappear into his room. It would make sense why his father would hate him. He killed him.

Unexpectedly, Qing Dynasty returned fr his room and thrusted a notebook into his son's arms.

' How can I face you? The child I raised had grown to kill me.' He read. ' I cannot bring myself to speak to you nor can I look at you. Because I would see my killer, not my son.' China's hands started to tremble with every word. Noticing Qing Dynasty's right hand move, he lowered his head to accept whatever came next. The old dynasty flipped the book to the next page and China continued to read the message. ' I don't want to see you as my killer. It breaks me to know what you must've gone through following my death. Please, give me some time to look at you properly as you are, my son.' China glanced back at his father whom for the first time in the longest while was looking at him in the eye. A black tear running down his face as he closed his eyes for a moment and with his remaining arm, pulled his son into a fatherly embrace. China was so overwhelmed that he even dropped the notebook. The words ' I've always loved you.' was written at the very bottom.

3. Spain

" Padre, how much longer are you gonna spend on those apology letters?" Spain asked him.

" Just a couple more, mijo." Spanish Empire chuckled dryly. " I have a lot of people to apologize to."

" Whatever." Spain shrugged. " I'm off to see Phil and Mal. We're gonna be doing some mountain climbing so I might be back tomorrow."

" Phil? As in Phileppenes?" Spanish Empire smiled. " Could you-"

" No. You have to do it yourself. She'd kill us both if you asked me to do it." Spain answered.

" Then, your relationship-"

" We're friends." He said sternly. " No imperialism."

" How are you my son?"

" I can still pick up chicks better than you."

" ......fair point." Spanish Empire sighed. " All these years and I still can't find the right way to apologize."

" You'll get it some day, padre. Phil didn't trust me easily either. I mean, even if I was there..." He muttered at the end.

" What?"

" Nothing." He said quickly with a smile.

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