Chapter 45 (epilogue)

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" So, America." Russia began. " Did you find anyone?" He asked as they sat side by side on the bench at Central Park, facing a lake.

" Yeah." Ame said with a small smile. " I found that, I had different parents."

" Oh, well, who are they?" Russia asked in all seriousness.

" About that Ruski. I was raised by a crap ton of countries. Mostly European, some time ago there was some African countries that taught me some stuff, but the parents I was born to?" He paused for a bit. " Her name's Land of the Free. She was, my actual mom before Britain.....adopted me. Bit by bit, she got poisoned by the settlers that came in. Her people back then, our people, were killed off like pests. Their women kidnapped and raped and...." He took off his glaces for a moment and ran his hand through his face. " She didn't die easy."

" I'm sorry to hear that." Russia said to him.

" Fuck. I can't even remember my old language. All I got, is a whole bunch of others. The American English is just a different version of Britain's. I just changed the spelling. I guess that's all I could do. Ruski, there's all sorts of people living in my land. Maybe some might say that the majority is white or whatever but, I don't think that matters anymore. I mean, look at Mal. His people get along well. And mine? Racism's fucked up."

" That's enough, Ame." Russia said sternly. " You shouldn't compare yourself to him. What if there's things that he doesn't show? Singapore himself said that he had a habit of hiding things. Each nation is unique in their own right. The Rev Meg wasn't your fault either." He said thoughtfully. " We've all made mistakes, got scars and did things we wished we hadn't. As long we know what we did wrong and try to fix it."

" True. True." America nodded, remembering the countries he himself had colonised. " But guess what I got figured out?" He said, looking directly at Russia with his black eyes but something had changed. " I know who I am. I'll do better than the past. I'll do it, how I should've done it in the first place." His blue irises shone amidst his black whites. " With all the values my Ma taught me."

" That's good to hear." Russia said with a smile. " So, would you like some vodka on the way back?"

With the existence of the Fallen living alongside the old kingdoms and modern countries. There was significant change in the atmosphere of the world meetings. Perhaps it was through their lost ones regrets and advice that broken relations have improved and many relationships among countries have grown significantly close.

Perhaps it's the fact instead of clinging to the memory of the past, they learn from their past. From knowing their own roots, they find that there was barely much difference that separated them. It is from these roots that we learn greatness and from them we learn our weakness. It's with these roots, that we understand that humans are equal. That we are alike.

And it all started from the discovery of the First Malayan Tiger.

Perhaps some people may not agree as the drug Megalomania is still being illegally produced to manipulate the nations. But as far as anyone's concerned, such a thing never really succeeded.

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