Chapter 13

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" Tok, put him down." Mal said to him as he approached him slowly. " Tok Lang, please." Langkasuka continued to growl. The way his dull eyes bore into the British man with great killing intent made Mal freeze for a moment. Britain was smart enough to know that silence is best for this situation. Indo was ready to swoop in with his wings if necessary as Phil slowly backed away to get help.

" He took you away." Langkasuka said coldly. " Took you from home, from your family, from us! Who knows what he did to you in that time!" His voiced raised to a pitch that was not of blind anger, enough to make even Phil stop for a moment. " He could've..." Britain softened and relaxed slightly, seeing Langkasuka's hands trembling as he looked at Mal.

" Tok Lang," Mal slowly got pulled his arms off of Britain. " Breath." Langkasuka took a deep breath, Indo and Phil had never seen him look vulnerable before. Britain gave an understanding look as they apologized. Langkasuka unconsciously hugged his stomach and waist. " Are you okay, Tok?"

" I'm fine." He said calmly. " I'm sorry, Britain. I over reacted."

" I understand." Britain sighed. " I don't blame you. But I do ask if you could perhaps avoid letting it happen again." He said as he dusted his suit before leaving.

" ...sombong..." (Arrogant) Mal looked at his grandfather with a smile. " What? I'm not wrong. I don't even feel that sorry anymore."

" Yup, he's a like that." Mal agreed with him. " So, the beach?"

Langkasuka clearly enjoyed the beach. He had a sweet gentle smile the entire time they spent on the beach. Sometimes it looks like he wanted to get in the water. To which he confessed that he felt like walking straight into it until the water passed his head. The statement left the trio very worried about him. When they returned to the resort, it was already night fall and the dinner party was in session.

Langkasuka was intrigued by some of the nations that were introduced to him, especially those within ASEAN. Some however made him feel rather uncomfortable, that being one of them a loud America and a drunk Russia. They were arguing right in front of him, shouting profanities and cursing each other. The other countries would have stopped them but it's difficult to avoid the crossfire. Both of them were like ticking time bombs ready to blow at any moment. But fortunately, it was one of those days where both Ukraine and Canada were in the area to calm their brothers.

" Screw you!" America screamed as he turned his back on the Russian. Langkasuka wanted to get across them to ask Mal if he could retire in his room. It was getting too noisy and he needed a break.

" Cyka blyat!" The Russian lifted the bottle of vodka and instead of hitting America, who dodged it, was heading straight for Langkasuka. The sound that echoed was quick but sharp. It wasn't made for distance but you'd still feel the chill non the less. A tiger's roar was built for terror. Something Russia has rarely ever felt against anyone, especially not an elder nation who was shorter than him. But it written on his face when Langkasuka started to growl. He actually felt like crawling away, a very rare feeling that only his father had achieved.

" You should be careful." Langkasuka said gently but stern at the same time. He let Russia's hand go, not a scratch on his flesh as he controlled his claws. Russia took a step back as Mal rushed over.

" Tok, are you okay?" Mal asked with a worried tone. He glanced around to make sure no one was hurt, the action making Langkasuka feel uncomfortable.

" I'm going for a walk." He announced as he moved to the doors. Mal watched him leave silently as the noise resumed. Singapore came over to check on him if he was alright.

" I'm fine, Singa. I'm worried about Tok Lang. Maybe I really should've let him recover more."

" Probably. That's why you're an idiot." Singa said simply as he took a sip from his drink. Mal gave him an annoyed look and nudged his side with his elbow. " Hey!"

" Jerk." Mal stuck his tongue out at him.

" Guys, there's karaoke here. Wanna try?" Indo said with a smile. " Mal, what's with the sour face? Tok Lang's gonna be fine." He reassured them as he dragged both men to the karaoke machine where Brunei was pushed forward by Phil. " Come on, I haven't heard you sing in decades." Indo handed Mal the mic. " I'll join you." He picked up his own mic and started picking a song. They shared similar languages despite the conflict of the past. Right now he wants to be brothers with Mal and spend time with him. But when he turned to Mal, his smile faltered. " Mal? Malaysia, are you okay?"

" I think, I...I'm going to bed guys. I'm sorry..." He handed the mic awkwardly to Brunei as he staggered off to the door. Phil ushered them to keep having fun while he helps a drowsy Mal to his room.

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