Chapter 41

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Mal found himself in a river again. The calm feeling flushing over him as the water passed by. This time however he was greeted by a pair of red eyes, they weren't menacing, but gentle. " Oi, Malon. Are you done yet?" Indo asked as looked down on Mal.

" Mallie?" Phil joined in as he bent over too look at Mal. " Are you still washing off that blood?" Mal looked around, blood flowed down his fingers and waist down into the river. " That's a lot. You really hate us, don't you kuya Mal?"

" What? No. I don't, I don't hate you guys." Mal said as Indo helped him sit up in the river.

" Then why didn't you tell us?" Singa asked as he sat down next to him. Indo lifted his shirt to check on the scar he made.

" Indo. Stop." Mal said trying to pull his shirt back down. Indo placed his hand on the bleeding scar. " It's nothing. I can never hate you guys for long."

" But you kept this all to yourself." Phil stated as he sat down in front of Mal.

" Was it because I don't talk to you often anymore?" Brunei asked, coming up from behind.

" No, it's not like that." Mal tried to convince him.

" Then what?" Indo probed. " Why won't you let us help you?" He asked as he let go.

" Why don't you trust us?" Singa asked. " If we're really brothers, why won't you trust me?"

" I want to. I really do." Mal said as his voice started to crack. " I don't know. None of it was your fault. I let you go, I broke our promise and I'm the one that didn't want to be one with you guys."

" So you've been blaming yourself?" Phil asked with a worried look.

" I...yes." Mal confirmed sadly.

" But I'm the one that caused you so much trouble that you had to let me go." Singa told him firmly.

" I left you even though I promised that we'd be independent together." Indo confessed. " Then I tried to destroy you out of my own mistake."

" I should've been fair with you. Sabah and Sarawak wanted independence and you gave it to them when I couldn't." Phil said gently. " They want to stay with you."

" I'm...still not giving up my oil." They laughed a bit at Brunei's statement. " What? You wouldn't let my king be Agung so I decided screw it." Mal laughed.

" Yeah, I guess that wasn't fair." Mal admitted. " But your king's not from the Melaka bloodline."

" We're all malay aren't we?" Brunei argued and they shared another laugh as Mal laid back down on the river bed. Phil and Indo joining him as Sing and Bru adjusted their positions. They formed a long line just letting the cool water wash over them. " This is a nice dream."

" Wait." Phil said. " You guys, isn't this my dream?"

" I honestly though this was my dream." Mal said to them and they all exchanged the same amazed look.

" Oh my god. Our dreams are connected." Indo stated in a tone of realization.

" We must be really close." Singa laughed.

" I mean, we're all like brothers right?" Mal asked them. " That's why I can trust you guys. You're my brothers." Mal said with a smile. " My brothers."

Singa screamed as he fell off his seat, waking up everyone else in the room. Phil groaned as he woke up as well as Indo and Brunei who looked at Singa with annoyance. " I was having one awesome dream, ya know?" Indo said as he brushed his eyes.

" Was it the river?" Brunei asked him and all four of them exchanged the same surprised look again. " Is Mal...?" They turned to Malaysia who was still in his coma but something was wrong. His face tensed and his claws had dug into the bedding." He's panicking." Brunei stated as the heart monitor beeped faster. It wasn't long before they realized that he was worried why they're not with him anymore.

" Mal? Mallie!" Indo took his hand to try and calm him down. " It's okay, we're still here."

" Kuya Mal, we're right here." Phil said to him gently as Singa took his other side. He wasn't calming down but was growing more panicked as Brunei left to get a doctor.

" Mal, listen to me." Singa said sternly as he held Mal's hand. " You're not alone. Please, listen to me. You're not, alone." Amazingly, he started to calm down a bit. He flipped through his phone quickly and played a song, placing the phone close to Mal's ear. " If he can hear me then he can hear this."

" What song is this?" Phil asked as a music box intro played.

" You're kidding. Isn't this song from that movie?" Indo gave him a look of disbelief although it was rare to see Singa do something seemingly stupid.

" He's crying." Sing stated as the lyrics rolled in, the song was like a sad lullaby. " Take a video," He said mischievously to the other two. Mal sat up with tears in his eyes.

" Lawak ke, siak?!?" ( You think you're fucking funny?)He growled as he gripped Singa's hand. " Keluar air mata jantan aku!" ( I'm crying man tears!)

" That' way to wake up a patient in a coma...." Switzerland said as Brunei sighed at the foolish behavior of his brothers.

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