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Stuff that happened at the camp and sleepover :

A talk :

Third : So, Langkasuka. I'm glad you're here I really need to tell you something about Soviet.

Langkasuka : Is he threatening to imprison you again?

Third : No, he never said any of that after he revived. Look, I'm glad that you and Katipunan understand the hell I've been through and I'm greatfull to be able to talk to you about it. But, how do you two do it? Forgive them?

Langkasuka : Nope. I fucking hate Sukhothai. But his family is not at fault. I don't think I'm strong enough to forgive a man that threatened my children and literally went through my guts.

Third. : Right... So, I really want to forgive Soviet. Like how your grandson could forgive everyone who hurt him.

Langkasuka : My boy is stronger than me. A true tiger. Why do you even want to forgive him?

Third : ...Do you know what's Stockholm syndrome?

Langkasuka : .....You Europeans are very strange.

Third : I know.

Langkasuka : So you're homosexual?

Third : More or less. Kids these days call it being gay.

Soviet : (waves)

Langkasuka : Is he waving at you?

Third : I think he is (waves back awkwardly)

Langkasuka : It's fucking mutual??

To Dance :

Katipunan : I heard your daughter and Golden Kheroscene will be doing a special performance to represent the Southeast.

Langkasuka : Yes, she will. It should be starting soon. The royal dance, Tarian Asyik. It's very elegant and smooth.

Ayutthaya : Farang, how do I record with this phone thing?

Langkasuka : ...

Katipunan : ...

Langkasuka : Hold my keris

Katipunan : Wait. No-

Vibe :

Portuguese Empire : So...sorry for shooting your arm...

Melaka Sultanate : .....

Langkasuka : Vibe check.

Portuguese Empire : What? Oh Shit!

Langkasuka : You failed fucking imperial.

Goodnight :

Soviet : Excuse me.

Langkasuka : Yes? Oh, you're the one that Third talked about. You're very tall.

Soviet : I see he spoke of me.

Langkasuka : I'm not one who's interested in any information regarding your relationship. Please tell me you're asking something else.

Soviet : Oh. Well, I wanted to ask about that noise you make at night. It's very...soothing. Best sleep I've ever had.

Langkasuka : Alright, you're not the first to say so. Anything else?

Soviet : Could you do it again tonight?

Langkasuka : Still not the first to ask.

Apologies :

Spanish Empire : Hello Kati, I'd like to formally apologize for all the things...that I've....done...

Perla : You killed me, widowed my husband and orphaned my sons.

Spanish Empire : I know. I wanted to apologise.

Del : Go fuck yourself.

Spanish Empire : But I-

Katipunan : I accept your apology.

Spanish Empire : Really?

Katipunan : Yes but that doesn't mean three hundred years disappeared. So please leave before my wife and son try to kill you.

Spanish Empire : Sheesh, you guys are lucky I've no power as an old kingdom.

Langkasuka and Malaya : (growling)

Seri Indah : (visibly sharpening her klewang)

Perla : (cut off a fish head)

Patani Sultanate : (is cutting a chicken with a cleaver, covered in blood)

Majapahit : Did you say something?

Spanish Empire : (slowly backs away)

Sleeping tiger :

Seri Indah : He's really sleepy.

Patani Sultanate : His purring sounds really nice.

Langkasuka : (suddenly growls in his sleep for a full fifteen minutes before going back to purring.)

Johor-Riau :What. Was that?

Kedah Tua : He had a little panic. It's fine. Just don't think about it.

Ayutthaya : That tiger wants to kill me. Did you hear it, Konbaung?

Konbaung : Shush, if you don't move, it'll leave us alone. Just. Don't move.

Soviet : ....That was not soothing.

Third : I think he had a little nightmare...

Soviet : Do you know anything that'll help him sleep better? I can't sleep with a growl that'll eat me.

Third : Unfortunately, no.

Britain : He wants to kill me. I heard it France. My god, my days are numbered.

France : ....It was nice knowing you, love.

Seri Indah : ( checks on Langkasuka tent) Ayah, Seri ada kat sini. You're not alone.

Langkasuka : ( purrs more slowly)

Everyone : Thank god, Seri revived.

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