Chapter 18

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" Nak?" Langkasuka reached out.

" I'm fine." Mal said sharply. " I'm....fine." He ran his hands through his hair as he stood up. " I'm going out for a sec, I'll be back he said as he moved to the door. Indo knows something was wrong. The way he spoke, the way he moved, it was all too similar to the time of their first summit to form MaPhilIndo. That time when he left after Phil threw a vase at him.

" Mal, wait." Indo went after him and grabbed his arm as he reached for the door. " Malaysia, what's wrong with you?"

" Don't touch me." He said in a low tone as his body trembled. " I said don't touch me!" Langkasuka pulled Indo away quickly as Mal swiped the air with a growl. Everyone had eyes on Mal, whose back was against the door as he wrapped his arms around himself. He was breathing heavily, trying to control his instincts as his claws dug into his own skin.

" Mal?" Phil looked at him with concern as Marshal stood protectively in front of his brother.

" I don't...I don't wanna fight...." His grip tightened but he ignored the blood and pain on his arms. " I can't....I worked so hard but...." He continued to mutter as he sank into the ground.

" Bro? Are you okay?" America asked gently.

" Stay back!" Britain warned. He'd only seen this happen once but here he is, the tiger has lost patience. " He's dangerous. We need to get him in a room where he can't hurt anyone and calm down."

" Don't you dare confine him." Langkasuka warned. " He's not yours anymore." He growled.

" He's right, UK." Third said as he pulled his son closer. " Confining him will only make it worse."

" Wouldn't you know that." Ame said in a sinister tone. Third glared at him as he was reminded of his personal imprisonment with Soviet Union. " Old man, what are you doing?" Langkasuka allowed his half tiger form to show as Mal grew into his.

" One by one, you need to leave the room. I'll deal with him." Third and Germany led the way to the second exit as Langkasuka covered them. Mal eyed them with a deep growl and even threatened to strike but Langkasuka stood in his way.

" Phil, we have to go." Marshal urged his brother to follow but he refused. " For once, listen to me."

" I can't leave him like this." Phil said firmly. " I...Indo what are you doing?" He said in alarm as Indo slowly tried approached Mal with his Garuda wings.

" Can't trust....anyone...." Mal kept muttering to himself as he looked around the room wildly with his cross colored eyes. " ....left me.....hurt.....I don't want to fight......" He repeated as tears started to fall. Langkasuka pulled Indo away and ushered him to leave. He had to push them out to get them to leave as he closed the door and locked it. They couldn't do anything but wait.

" Nak, sini." (Child, come here.) Langkasuka said softly to Mal. They exchanged a couple roars and growls before the growling faded.

" What's happening-" A strong roar echoed from behind the walls and was followed by hisses and several sounds of struggle. They jumped back as the door jolted from the impact of the tiger's fight. " Mal?" Phil asked as they could hear growling and Langkasuka's voice in his breath.

Langkasuka had his back on the door as he was reduced to a half tiger form once more but remained a tall tiger before him. The young man was much tougher than he looked before. Possibly more fierce than Langkasuka himself. They looked at each other carefully before Langkasuka sighed and leaned back on the door. He can't fight this tiger before him. He couldn't bear if he hurt another one of his own bloodline. As he sank back into his human form, the tiger neared him with its teeth bare and ears folded back.

" Mal?" Phil's voice could be heard from the door. " Please be okay...I'm sorry if it's my fault....Please. I can't lose another brother like you, kuya Mal."

" Oi, Mallie." Indo began. " Are you done yet?" He knew that Mal had panic attacks before but they almost never occurred now. " Look, I know I did you a lot of wrong...." He faltered as he tried to find the words. Britain ushered the others to leave. After all, Europeans have no involvement in this and he knows that he'll only do more damage.

The tiger was silent as it stared at Langkasuka carefully. Slowly, the old man raised his arms and wrapped them around the tiger's neck. " Tengku Malaysia bin Malaya bin Melaka. Jangan risau, nak. Tok takkan tinggalkan kamu." ( Don't worry, child. I will never leave you.)

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