Chapter 15

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He felt the rope loosen from his neck. Another hand grabbed him and started pulling him to the surface. As he glanced back at the net and rock, he saw the strangest thing. A man stood on the sea bed as if it were like the ground on land, his hair floated lightly in the water and in his hand were the knife and net that strangled the Malaysian. It was really weird, there are no Dayak people in the area. He gasped deep breaths and coughed the water from his lungs.

Indo helped Mal back onto the boat that was nearby the balcony. Both of them coughed to get the water out but Mal's cough were far more severe. " Mal, can you hear me?" Indo asked him gently and Malaysian nodded slowly.

" Dude, you okay?" Ame asked from the balcony. Phil rushed to them to check on Mal. " Shit, man." He cursed as Indo tried to help him sit up. Mal slowly opened his eyes, imagine his relief to find Indo and Phil to be his saviors. They were like brothers weren't they? But a crude though from the back of his mind erased that image almost completely. They're only doing it for the contract. The thought terrified him.

" Guys....there's the water...." Mal managed to say as he looked at the edged of the balcony with half opened eyes. A hand grabbed on one edge as long matted hair rose out of the water. Spain screamed as they watched the shirtless figure rise out of the water, glaring at them with dull orange eyes and a low growl.

" Who dares to drown my child?" He snarled, baring his tiger fangs at the nations gathered at the balcony. Ame opened his mouth to say something. " I will personally cut their head off and bury half of their corpse on one side of the beach while the other half on the opposite end. Then I'll put the head on a pike for three days." He quickly decided that he probably shouldn't be the one to tell the old man.

" Actually, sir." Mexico began as Ame shook his head but the Mexican ignored him. " It was America's fault. Good luck, gringo."

" Okay! Before you kill me, please let me explain." Ame said quickly. " There was this guy, we don't know who he is but per say that he is one of own people who well...mistook Mal for me...I'm not sure why they'd try to kill me...he he...." He backed up slowly as Langkasuka approached him.

" That can be fixed." He said in a dark tone. Ame tried to remind himself that he's taller and stronger than the old man but the memory of his growl and roar told him that physical strength won't be able to stop this man.

" I kindly appreciate if you don't threaten my son, please." Britain said as he bravely stepped between them. He told himself that while the ancient kingdom before him was a tiger, he was a lion. A king of beasts. Well, that's how he sees it. " You proudly protect your children so I'll gladly try to protect mine." Langkasuka's growl ceased as he sighed. " Thank you. But do know that I do, genuinely care about Malay. I admit that I've made many mistakes and I'm trying not to make any more."

" That actually makes you sound less arrogant." Langkasuka admitted as he walked passed them.

" Arrogant? I am not arrogant." Britain said with his face turning red.

" Not to judge, mon amor. But you are a bit arrogant." France said as she patted his shoulder. " Especially about the private stuff." She whispered and soon he was blushing as red as a tomato.

Mal suffered minor injuries and a small fever. The assailant that caused the issue was meant with multiple international charges and was even personally interrogated by Russia. For the moment, there is no major enemy they should worry about, he acted out on his own. With the dinner still resuming because Mal insisted, Langkasuka would be escorted by Phil and Indo who couldn't help but ask some questions about his past and how he knew their parents.

" Perla was a nice girl. Strong too. Although I'm not very familiar with your father, I heard that he's quite the fighter. I would be honored to meet him." Phil gave him a wide smile. Excited to help reintroduce the ancient nation.

" What do you think of my father?" Indo asked him.

" He is," Langkasuka tried to recall the great kingdom. " He was a bit annoying. But a good man, that one. Your grandfather, not so much. Don't like him, don't want to talk about it." He clearly showed some disliking towards Srivijaya.

" Okay, then." Indo went to get them some drinks as Phil stayed with the elder nation.

" Guten tag, Philippines." Germany said as he approached them with another man whose hood was pulled low over his eyes. You could barely make out the flag but it was mostly red.

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