Chapter 27

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" There was never a time that I don't think of you as family." Kedah Tua reassured the girl after the song was over. It didn't matter to him if she was a state of another country, she was still the young girl who loved kites to him. ) And I'm sure you understand now, that we," He referred to ASEAN. " have always been family." Patani smiled hearing the words from her uncle as she looked around the room. When they didn't fight or argue, the countries did look like family. Even Timor Leste is still considered as Indo's younger sister even if she isn't part of ASEAN.

" I wish this night could last forever." She admitted.

" It can't." Thailand said gravely as he moved towards them. " If I could, I'd return her to you. But my government, my people would disagree. They're calling us back." He said sadly.

" What? But they said I could stay till morning." Patani protested as she held Kelantan and Kedah Tua firmly. " They said..." Kelantan slid out of her grasp. " Abang?" (Big brother?)

" Maafkan aku, adik. But we have to comply." (Forgive me, little sister) He said sadly as Kedah Tua, with a heavy heart, let her go. Kedah stood silently as she glanced at him, casting his eyes aside. " I promise to see you again." He said with a sad smile.

" I...I understand." She said quietly as she smiled softly. Sometimes, it isn't the country's fault for their actions. One cannot blame an entire populace of people for the acts of one. She followed Thailand out of the room and ran into Langkasuka. " Tok Lang?"

" I'm sorry for this but we have to go." Thai said looking shamefully to the side. This was his family and his doing, separating families.

" You're...taking her away...." His orange eyes stared at him with a growl before it ceased on its own. " I see...." He stroked Patani gently on the cheek as he let her listen to the quiet, sorrowful purrs for a minute before letting her leave. " I didn't think...." He said as his voice grew ever so soft. " I didn't think I'd have to lose my little girl again." Thai leaned back into the seat of the plane as he looked down on the floor. Patani watched as they crossed Kelantan's borders and were back in Thailand in a matter of minutes. He said nothing when he escorted her home and continued to stay silent until he reached his own bed. From there, he thought of all the strange behaviors his family had displayed.

From his father's alcoholism, to his great grandfather's midnight walks. According to his grandfather, Sukhothai spent long hours awake, just walking. Some days were spent with no sleep at all. It got worse around the time of Langkasuka's capture. He'd whisper to himself and pray for forgiveness. He suspected that he prayed more often when he did something to Langkasuka. Ayutthaya himself spent some days in a temporary vow of silence. He'd not speak for weeks. Thrombin, had nightmares like any other nation but was sometimes found crying near the lotus pond. He pondered on these actions. Had other countries suffer this as well? For the blood they've shed under orders. Or for the tears that streamed before them. That's why when their officials aren't looking, they seem kinder to each other. He allowed himself to cry to sleep as he remembered the look on Patani's face as she was separated again.

Langkasuka stared off at the horizon, watching the sun rise as he walked. It was a lovely feeling for him. When the water slowly rises from his ankles to his neck. He kept walking until his head had disappeared into the blue sea. From there, he'd walk around the resort, greeted by fish and lately, he had a companion or two that would follow him on the walks along the sea bed. He called the small creature Kelabu (Grey) because of its color. The partner that sometimes accompany him as well was called Mek (Girl). They were sting rays. He thought of how today would be the last day the other countries would be here. The stingrays swam around him, catching the fish the ran away from him.

" Tok Lang!" A muffled voice called him from the balcony. He walked close to the area and poked his head out if the surface. " Selamat pagi, Tok." ( Good morning, Tok) Mal said cheerfully with a smile.

" Selamat pagi, Mal." Langkasuka returned with a smile. " Are the others awake yet?"

" Some. The younger ones are still asleep though." The young man answered. " How do you do that?"

" Holding my breath?"

" Yeah. You can do it for hours right?" Mal asked with curiosity.

" Well, I was young and I loved going out at sea but then I had this thought. If I only learn to swim, they can still drown me. But if I can hold my breath long enough, I can escape and go home unnoticed. So I trained myself to hold my breath before learning to swim." Mal stared quietly, reminding himself of that time he decided to be immune to certain drugs. " Yeah, I was an idiot back then."

" I feel you."

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