Bonus chapter : short stories 2

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1. Russia

" папа," Russia greeted his father happily as he came downstairs. It was a nice morning, it didn't feel as cold as it normally did anymore. " You're making breakfast?" He asked, the aroma from the kitchen was strong as his father came to the dining room with a few bowls.

" Of course, I'm your father." He laughed. He counted the number of bowls as he placed them on the table.

" папа," Russia began hesitantly as his smile faltered. " It's...It's just us." Soviet paused before he could put down the last bowl.

" Right, I forgot." He said silently. " They've moved out. You're all grown up already." He mumbled as he picked up all the bowls again, leaving only two. " Forgive me, son. It appears my memory is failing me again." He chuckled softly as he returned with a pot of soup. " Come, Rus. Let's eat together." He said gently, his smile never faltering. Russia smiled at his father as he sat next to him and filled his bowl with the soup. But he noticed something off during the meal and built his courage to ask the fallen nation once the dishes were cleared.

" папа, are you okay?" Rus asked him as he turned off the water tap after washing his hands. His father remained silent, standing still at the door frame. Slowly the elder man started to lean against the door a bit. " You know you can tell me anything." He said gently as he approached the man only to find a couple tears streaming down his face before the old man wiped them away and straightened himself up.

" I'm sorry." He simply said. " For everything. This father of yours is a monster, Rus...and now I have the looks to match it." He chuckled dryly as Russia quickly held his arm in a familiar way. " Tell me," He began with his voice cracking. " You'll stay with this monster, won't you?" He asked the younger nation.

" Of course, папа." Russia responded confidently as he guided him to the living room. " I still need to tell you everything that went on when you were gone." He said brightly as they sat together on the couch.

2. Indonesia

Indo felt a chill as his mother yanked away his blanket. " I'm up! You jerk." He said, thinking it had been Aceh like his cousin had always done when he woke up late.

" Is that how you talk to your mother?" Zamrud said in sweet tone, Indo's eyes widen as he looked up in fear. " Not only did you wake up late, but now you're talking back?"

" Mama...! Wait, listen first." He said nervously as he moved to the opposite end of the bed. " I just thought you were Aceh." He said quickly. " I'll go get ready. Please forgive me." There was a pause in the room as Zamrud judged him with the motherly look on her eyes. He bolted as soon as she reached down to grab her slipper and chased him to the bathroom. " I'm sorry!" He screamed as he closed the bathroom door shut.

" Get ready quickly, okay?" She said sweetly from the other side of the door. " When you come out, I'll feed you breakfast." He gulped a bit as she left and immediately took a shower.

" My dear," Majapahit greeted her as he took her hand and kissed it. " Please be gentle with our boy." He begged her.

" I know." She muttered. " But he still needs to be disciplined. Waking up late is unacceptable. Especially not for his age."

" I guess you're right. He does have a country to govern." Majapahit chuckled. " Still not as big as mine though."

" You..!" Zamrud waved her hand threateningly and Majapahit backed away immediately.

" Jangan marah..." ( Don't be mad) He tried to appease his wife. " He's not young anymore." His smile faltered seeing the saddened look on her face. " Sayang?"

" When did he grow up so fast?" She said as she wrapped herself. " He was so young. So small." She mused. Majapahit comforted her gently, it seems that neither of them were used to the idea of missing out on raising their son.

3. Philippines

" Did you notice?" Martial asked Phil as they walked together in the streets of Manila.

" Of course." Phil answered simply. " I mean, isn't that why we're shopping out here?" He reminded his brother with a chuckle. " We should get something for them too." Martial made a sound of agreement as they entered the store.

That night, the twins had fallen asleep while doing some paperwork. Kati approached them with Del and Perla, who brought blankets for them. Kati and Del carried them to their rooms after Perla had wrapped them in blankets. But the moment they walked past the kitchen, they noticed something on the coffee table. Three boxes were wrapped accordingly, of three colors. Blue, Gold and Red. As soon as they tucked in the twins, they investigated the presents. There was a single note signed to them and Kati opened to see who's it from.

" Mahal kita." He muttered, reading out the words from the note to Del and Perla. They looked between each other with warm smiles before reaching for the gifts. The next morning, Phil and Martial were happy to see Perla wearing the golden bracelet during breakfast, Del and his new watch which was designed with traditional patterns and lastly, their father's new scarf resting on his neck.

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