Chapter 10

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From the day they visited Seri Indah's grave, Langkasuka's nightmare panics have decreased. He no longer uses his claws or teeth but occasionally still growls. Perhaps it was from the satisfaction of seeing the children he left behind, or the visits to see Patani, a state in Thailand, who was Kelantan's half sister. Either way it brought some closure to his grief. The Patani Sultanate was a strong nation, it surprised Langkasuka to find out that he and Seri Indah had briefly married before he was taken over during Thrombin's time and Seri Indah succumbed to her illness not long before.

To think that the man even prospered before the fall of their last Coloured Queen, Raja Kuning. Patani said that her father had grieved for her for a while. It eases the old nation to know that the man cared for her well and even had protected his child.

" I'm glad to finally meet you." Patani admitted. " I heard so much and yet so little." Their visits were brief but enjoyable. She shared the same language as Kelantan, the same thick accent that seems like a language of its own instead of Malay. But one day, as Kelantan brought his grandfather a drink to enjoy the sunset, he saw the man frown.

" Is something wrong, Tok?" Kelantan asked him as handed the drink.

" Air nyor."( Coconut) Langkasuka mused with a small smile as he drank the cooling drink. " Thank you." He returned to that look on his face as he watched the sun set between the mountain peaks. " I think I'm ready."

" For...what?"

" Cucu kesayanganku, could you please do me a favor?" ( My dear grandson,) He asked the teenager and he nodded. " I want to know what happened. Everything. From who colonised our home first and every century after that." Kelantan paused. A solemn silence filled the air before Langkasuka spoke again. " If you're not willing or unable to then that's fine. I'm sure you have a good reason."

" ....Alright." He sighed. " But I can't really tell you everything. I'll get some books for you to read and catch up on." He said, finally surrendering to the older nation.

Soon enough, Mal called Kelanatn to check on Langkasuka's recovery progress as he usually did every week. He was happy to find out that the old nation's emotional and mental state was improving day by day. However, since the discovery of the old nation within the basement of a neighbouring country, it had to be notified to ASEAN. The man in charge of the south east then notified the UN of the find. It was a phenomenal case, not many countries have lived so long after their kingdom's have fallen. Some exceptions included Kedah Tua and Johor-Riau themselves.

" Wait, they're coming here?" Kelantan tried to confirm with Mal. " I don't think he'd be happy with them coming over, especially not now." He glanced at his grandfather who has gone through more than half of the WW 1 book that he had just started reading that morning. His brow was folded in creases, a disapproving look clearly shown.

" I'm sorry but don't worry, I'm coming over as soon as possible before anyone gets there. They really want to meet him." Mal replied as he was halfway through packing. " KL, Putrajaya, mana baju kemeja ayah?" ( KL, Putrajaya, have you seen my shirt?) He shouted down the hallway.

" Yang mana?!" ( Which one?!) Putrajaya shouted back.

" Yang ada corak batik tu!" ( The one with the batik pattern!)

" Yang biru kan?" ( The blue now?) KL asked him.

" Yes, that's the one." He thanked his daughter and son for finding it for him. " So, I'll be there by tomorrow morning. Make sure to tell him that we'll be receiving guests in a couple days and to not by all means, have a fight with them. Indo and Phil will also be there so he doesn't have to worry."

" I don't know, Mal. You may be the boss but for him to suddenly be met with westerners so soon. Especially not Britain, please don't tell me he'll be there." Kelantan asked.

" .....I'll call you when I get there. Bye." The line ended before he could protest. He sighed and almost jumped when he found Langkasuka behind him. " My god, Tok. Please stop doing that."

" Doing what?"Langkasuka asked in his usual lazy tone. " Ah, right. You're just not diligent." Kelantan sighed, his mother had the same habit. Even he himself walks silently. He wondered if it was a family thing to walk without a sound. " Who was on the phone?" Langkasuka asked, it took him a while to get used to the advanced technology.

" Malaysia. He says that he'll be coming over tomorrow." Langkasuka smiled but immediately frowned when Kelantan spoke again. " He also says that there's going to be guests in about a couple days. Some are...from Europe.

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