Chapter 38

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Third Reich felt unusually uncomfortable as he sat with Katipunan, learning how to scale fish. He glanced back and Soviet just stood there, watching him with those black eyes. " Hey, uh, Katipunan?" Kati made a sound of attention although his eyes never left his wife. " Do you know where's Langkasuka?"

" Oh, he should be back from fishing with Temasik soon." Kati looked at him curiously and noticed the troubled look on his face. " Is something wrong?"

" ....I'm scared." He told him with his hands shaking terribly. " Soviet keeps staring at me and I haven't talked to him but just, I don't know if I can live with him"

" He does look like he wants to speak with you." Kati said as he glanced at the tall man. " Perhaps he wants to apologize?"

" You're kidding." Third scoffed. " He'll lock me up again and do....things to my body...." Tears started to prick his eyes as images of those cold days flashed in his mind.

" He can't do that. Not with these new laws." Kati tried to reassure him.

" He didn't care about humane laws before." Third stated. Malaya ran past him in a panic. " What's going on?" Everyone looked over at the direction where Malaya had ran. Melaka Sultanate was being carried by Langkasuka on his back as they returned. Malaya signed asking what had happened but when he saw Portuguese Empire with them, he snapped. He grabbed the other man by the collar and growled, unable to say anything to express his anger.

" Anakanda..." Melaka Sultanate's voice shocked everyone present. " Control yourself." His voice wasn't clear, it was like listening to an old movie. None the less, it was heard. The camp had to be called off as one of the Fallen had been injured and recovered his voice. " Are you done?" He asked Britain in a clearer voice as the British man and Germany marveled over his developed voice.

" How'd you do it?" America asked curiously.

" I screamed." He said simply in a tone Mal himself used when he's annoyed. " Literally." There was a moment of silence before Germany wrote down in his notes.

" So screaming...." He said as he continued to talk to Melaka Sultanate. " Is there anything else that you felt maybe when you screamed."

" It burnt, my throat I mean." He began as he recalled the details. " I just wanted to get out, it really hurt." He gestured to his wrapped ankle.

" Are there any finer details?" Britain pushed on. Melaka Sultanate opened his mouth but faltered. There was a nervous look on his face as he struggled to keep composure.

" I saw myself die again....." He mumbled, looking to the side. " Can I leave yet?" He asked them as he tried to shake off the unpleasant memory of his death.

" Of course," Britain said quickly before either of the younger nations could say anything. Langkasuka leisurely walked into the room and lifted the Fallen kingdom under one arm. " What are you doing?"

" You're done. I'm taking him home. Goodbye." He said as he shut the door behind him.

" Should we tell him he could've used a wheelchair?" Germany asked them.

" I don't they're comfortable with those things." Britain responded. " Anything on that new drug and why it's brought back these kingdoms?"

" Yes," He said gravely as he flipped through his notes. " I suggest you get Mal in a room first. His immunity might not be able to cover this." He suggested.

" What's wrong with him?" America asked worryingly. " Is it the Rev Meg?"

" It's a very small dose, chances are nothing's happening or some troublesome side effects. The usual nausea, probably but being a new drug. Any further side effects could be dangerous for him." Germany stated. " It revived the old kingdoms, what do you think it'll do to a living kingdom?"

Melaka Sultanate noticed how pale Mal has gotten as they had dinner. " Malaysia." He said in his clear voice, much to Malaya and Golden Kheroscene's comfort. " Are you alright?"

" I..." Mal winced as a splitting headache threatened to take over, making all the states and old kingdoms look at him with worry. " It...really hurts." He muttered as he stood up. " I think I need to...lie...down...." Kelantan was quick to act and caught Mal as he was closest at the time. Mal started to cough violently, the pain inside making him want to cry.

" Call the ambulance-Ow!" Kelantan cried out as Mal's claws came out on their own, gripping into his flesh. Mal was breathing heavily, struggling between coughing and crying from both the pain and hurting Kelantan. The older states blocked the younger ones from seeing what was happening, effectively angering the little ones as they struggled. Langkasuka quickly took Mal into his arms and endured the razor sharp claws. Mal panicked when he saw he'd been coughing large amounts of blood the entire time.

" Malaysia, it's alright." Langkasuka said in a gentle tone to try and calm him. " I'm here...." Golden Kheroscene gently stroked his head, calming him down as she hummed for him. Malaya held his hand as he rested his head on Langkasuka's lap

" We're all here to protect you," Melaka Sultanate reminded him as he helped to soothe him with his calm voice. " You don't have to do anything alone anymore.

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