Chapter 43

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" Who's Mama's little warrior? Yes, you are!" Golden Kheroscene teased the toddler as she helped him learn his first steps all over again.

" I'm back. We've got a few baby clothes for the day but Ayahanda and Langkasuka are still buying some more for the month." Malaya said as he returned with some clothes under his arm. Mal started bobbing up and down, squealing with delight as he saw his father. " Hmm? You've been waiting for me? Are you excited to see your Ayah?"

" A..Ayah!" Mal said as he reached up to get carried.

" Sayang, I think I might die again." Malaya said as he held his son lovingly. " My god, he's adorable."

" I know right? If only he stayed like this a little longer." His mother said as she pinched his cheeks. " I forgot how chubby he was."

" But he has a country to govern." Malaya sighed. " Such a smart little king. Won't you? Be a smart little king for Ayah." Malaya and Golden Kheroscene took over the first two nights together. The next day was handed over to Langkasuka, much to Melaka Sultanate's displeasure. " That's an adorable onesie, Langkasuka." Malaya complimented the tiger onesie Mal wore, it truly suited the three tigers' tastes. " Little tiger, you're spending the day with Tok Lang, aren't you?" Mal giggled as Langkasuka lifted him over his head and onto his shoulders.

" We're going for a walk." Langkasuka announced as he carried little Mal on his shoulders. Just as he opened the door, there was a group of countries gathered outside, Thai was about to knock. He closed it back. " Alright, who snitched?"

" So," Indo began to speak for the ASEAN group. " How are you?"

" I'm fine and so is little Mallie." Langkasuka answered as Mal played with his long hair. " Where did you find out?"

" Thai." Three of them pointed.

" Patani." Thai answered quickly.

" I'm sorry." Patani apologized. " Kelantan sent the videos because he didn't want me and Abah to be left out." She looked at him in the eye. " We're still family, right?" She proceeded to give him the puppy eyes and somehow the other countries joined in. Mal tugged his hair, giving him puppy eyes as well.

" Alright." Langkasuka sighed. " Kelantan! Redo the schedule." He could hear Kelantan groan for a minute before nodding. " Today's my turn so you all can leave." Langkasuka sighed as they said their goodbyes to the little Mal. This may not end well.

The countries all had different responses with baby Mal. The states treated him like any sibling would and took care of him. Indo and Timor would take him everywhere, Singa and Brunei gave him all the Milo he could ever want and Thai could barely contain himself when baby Mal kissed his cheek. However when Britain visited, he wasn't allowed to leave the mansion at all. Even when he was reading books to Mal, he was being supervised constantly. The most amusing thing that happened was when Britain tried to pick up Mal but he started to cry and screamed " Merdeka!" In his face, much to their family's amusement.

" Bye, Mallie." Myanmar said to the toddler. " Stay healthy." He said as Cambodia gave him a kiss on the forehead. When it came to Phil and Marshal, they were forced to stay indoors because Phil tried to run off with little Mal.

" Aw, kuya Mal is so cute." Phil said as they tried to get him to leave. " Bye little Mal, you'll be mine some day." He chuckled nervously as two tigers growled behind him and Melaka Sultanate glaring as he picked up the toddler.

" Bye, bye, Phillie!" Mal said waving at him. Earning two happy Pinoys.

" Looks like the month is almost over, Mal." Golden Kheroscene said as she took him into her arms. " But that's okay. We still have a week of little you all to ourselves." But it was within that week Mal cried every night when he awoke. Perhaps some might think of it as usual baby behavior but it wasn't to Mal. No one knows and no one can know what he sees in those dreams.

Mal opened his eyes, he was in bed again as he sat up. He found tears streaming down his face for some reason as he brushed his eyes. He looked around his room, his family was sleeping all around him like that day at the hotel, but with an added number. Seri Indah had Kelantan sleeping on her shoulder while Melaka Sultanate slept sitting crossed legged with Melaka and two of the provinces. His parents slept side by side, close to his bed. There was a gentle humming by Sabah and Langkasuka's purrs were as gentle as ever. He saw KL sit up with a yawn and started stumbling towards him. She looked up at him for a bit as she climbed onto the bed. " Nape ayah nangis?" (Why are you crying, Dad?) She asked sleepily.

" Ayah pun tak tau." (I don't know either.) Mal said as he laid back down, allowing KL to snuggle at his side.

" Ayah, jangan jadi kecik lagi. KL rindu ayah..." ( Don't be small anymore. I missed you.) She yawned and fell asleep once again in his arms.

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