Chapter 23

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It was their last night at the dinner party and this time, Mal decided to include all of his states. The other countries were chatting amongst each other until they heard a series of laughter and the happiest of voices. Thai had brought along Patani at the time because he thought that Langkasuka would appreciate seeing another one of his granddaughters. When the states came into the room, they were actually singing. They were having fun with each other's company and were proud to show it. However what really took the guests by surprise was that they were singing an Indonesian song. Led by Negeri Sembilan.

" Di bumi, lautan, di udara." She sang with some of the other younger states before the other states joined in on the chorus. They ignored the surprised looks given and decided that having dinner was more important. " Kelantan, did you even cook well today?"

" Who do you think you're talking to?" Kelantan said proudly with a smile as he handed the food. " My food has always been great."

" And diabetic." Johor added.

" That's a myth." Terengganu replied. Their teasing had no malice, no hate. It purely out of being family. The other countries admired their good relationship, saying how cute it was as they dined. Indo once again invited Mal to sing with him on the karaoke machine and this time it was actually accepted.

" But, we're singing one of your songs." Indo said. " Pick a good one, got it?" He said with a playful smirk as he handed Mal the mic. " And about earlier today, thank you. I didn't think you were actually serious back then when you said you'd be airing some of my shows."

" You're kidding. The states love your shows especially that one." He said referring to the theme song that they sang. " Okay, so, there's this song from one of my latest movies but I'm gonna need Bru and Singa to join us." Phil and Marshal gladly pulled the two up to the karaoke machine. " So you guys have seen the movie Ejen Ali, right?"

" Mal," Singa looked at him seriously. " I can't shed man tears out here!" He warned him.

" Relax Singa we're not singing 'Mama'. I'd cry too much." He added with a laugh. " Kita jaga kita. You know?" (We take care of our own).

" Oh, I know that song." Brunei said with a smile.

" Shut up. That's one of my favorites." Singa said as he clicked the play button and took it upon himself to start first. " Kini diriku tidak bersimpati. Masa depanku kabur tetapi mataku cerah, kian menyala. Semua halangan tidak bermaya. Semangatku," ( Now I have no sympathy. My future is blurry but my eyes are bright, they're shining. All the obstacles can't handle me. My will,) Brunei started to join in. " Membara." ( Is burning.) They continued to sing together until Mal and Indo took over the next verse.

" Siapa lagi kalau bukan kami, orang luar jangan kecil hati." ( Who else other than us, outsiders shouldn't be upset.) They sang as Mal took over the rap verse with Indo as his back up. All four started singing together, sharing the same language, they understood the song's meaning. " Siapa lagi kalau bukan kami, jemput datang kalau berani." ( Come fight us if you're brave enough.) Everyone cheered as they finished. Especially those of ASEAN and the states. Patani cheered on as well.

She's watched the movie and loved every part of it. The songs, the fights but what really got her aside from the message it gave was the scene where they meet the main character's mother. It made her cry so bad because the emotional song felt so real. The song 'Mama' was played in that scene and anyone who understood the lyrics would shed tears over it. Like seriously, you finally get to see your mom again, even if it is a data version, and then you have to lose her again to get a special power to save the day. You wouldn't be able to do anything but watch as the data fades away.

" Patani," Kelantan called her. " You're here too?" He said as he hugged her. She thought that he looked extra happy this time. But was it because she was here or that the rest of Mal's states are? " I'm so glad you're here." He said happily, brightening her face. " Come on, let's go meet the others.

" But I'm not one of you." She said, trying to pull away. " I'm not one of Malaysia's states." She said softly as she stepped back. " I don't even know if I'm really your sister."

" But you've always been my sister." Kelantan extended his hand. " Then and now, aren't you?" She took it hesitantly. " And you're Johor's ex so we're still related anyway."

" Don't say that out loud!" She cried out. " Now I really can't see him like this."

" You'll be fine, sister. You always will be with me." He said with his gentle smile that he reserves only for a few people to see.

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