Chapter 32

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" It is with my greatest pride that I announce a new law upon the world." UN began as he stood on the podium, facing the world before him. " With the revival of some of the old nations or kingdoms with the illegal use of an experimental version of the Megalomania drug which will be called Revival Megalomania or Rev Meg for short, these laws had to issued immediately and further discussion we have come to our decision. The revived kingdoms will be known as 'fallen' the common features being pitch black eyes with jet black tears, the inability to speak and increased emotional response. These fallen kingdoms will be registered and continue to exist as elimination of the Fallen is considered plain genocide. It is also found that they are completely immunity to the Megalomania drug."

" They will uphold similar laws as a retired nation. They are not allowed to govern the land they are living in under any circumstances. They must never involve themselves in politics. They are not to be disturbed by any outside forces or countries who are not responsible for them. They are to be treated kindly and cannot be involved in the personal affairs of other countries. The placement of the Fallen will be according to majority vote and based upon geographical placement of their previous territory. As such, it pains me that this may cause separation among family. So, there will be a custody law to compensate the issue. Fallen who are separated from family can and will have the ability to be in temporary custody, scheduled to be with their original family members. They are also allowed to visit or be visited by other nations of their own free will. One last thing, holiday is holiday." UN said in a deeper tone. " I'm sure you all understand what that refers to. That is all."

Mal walked quietly out of the meeting hall, his mind elsewhere as he ignored the other nations talking around him. " Malaysia." He turned to his left where Thailand had appeared next to him. " How are you?"

" Good." Mal replied. " There aren't any more of Fallen in my country other than what we've found at first. How are things at your end?"

" Found my Dad." Thai said simply before faltering. " And, Ayutthaya."

" That's...good?" Mal tried to guess before receiving the look from Thai.

" He wants to see your family." Mal paused for a bit and started to slow down. He gave Thai an unsure look, the older kingdoms and the Fallen of his country does not have very good history with Thai's. " I don't know why but we could arrange it on their next visit to see Patani and Patani Sultanate."

" Maybe." Mal muttered. " But they won't be happy and they probably won't go if we tell them."

" True. So we go on with the trip and tell them later?" Mal nodded once and that's how Ayutthaya ended up on the other end of the room as Patani Sultanate glared at him while he waits for his family to arrive. " I'm sorry to do this on such short notice." Patani Sultanate shrugged, not minding Thai in the slightest. Ayutthaya shifted in his seat uncomfortably and like a child, stuck his tongue out at Patani Sultanate. Patani Sultanate could only grit his teeth with annoyance.

' I own you now.' Ayutthaya wrote on his notebook with a smirk. ' My brother actually conquered you. Lol.' Patani Sultanate grabbed his notebook and wrote angrily.

' You don't have power, dumbass. You just exist. Which is a pain in my ass.'

" Abah?" (Father?) Patani came through the door with drinks in a tray. " I brought your favorite tea and cakes." She said cheerfully as she poured him a cup of tea. Patani Sultanate stroked her head gently and smiled at her as he took the cup. Ayutthaya and Thai watched as the two interacted. The ex-empire looked at his grandson and tried to pet him but only to receive the strangest look from him.

" Salam sejahtera!" Kelantan's voice could be heard as he exited the car excitedly. " Ummi, sini. Biar Naim tolong." ( Mother, here. Let me help you.) Kelantan helped his mother exit the car as the others got down themselves.

" Abang, Ummi!" Patani went out to greet them and invited them inside. Ayutthaya couldn't help but look. There she was again, the golden deer. She had let her hair down this time as her veil covered most of it, the elegance of her movements were forever mesmerizing and wherever she moved, you wouldn't hear her steps. Even though the woman can be terrifying in war, you cannot deny her natural beauty. When she went to war, Ayutthaya couldn't help but picture her in her war garments like when he first saw her fight. Most people wouldn't notice it because his eyes were black, but he looked at her up and without moving his head as she entered the room.

A book came flying across the room and landed right on Ayutthaya's head. He looked at the direction where it came from and saw Patani Sultanate glaring at him as he held up his notebook for all to see. 'Stop ogling my wife!' Kelantan and Seri Indah looked at Ayutthaya with frozen smiles. Patani herself gave him a look of disgust.

" Thai," Kelantan began in a gentle voice. " Please tell your grandfather to be careful because we don't want to have to throw him out." There was no malice in his tone, which made it all the more creepier.

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