Chapter 40

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A collection of Fallen and old kingdoms were gathered for a sort of sleepover instead of camp at America's place( His guest house is practically a mansion), two weeks after the camp was cancelled. Third Reich hung around the southeast countries more than the European out of guilt and fear. Japanese Empire herself stuck closely to Facist Italy on the first day. " I'm surprised they decided that a sleepover would be more appropriate. It's childish, how old are we again?" Katipunan asked Langkasuka.

" Centuries, decades. I don't really care." Langkasuka answered lazily. " I just want to get the three days over with and go home. I'm sure it's just to help other Fallen get their voices back."

" Speaking of. How's Melaka Sultanate?" The Fallen kingdom decided to stay at the mansion to watch over the states as Mal was still in a sort of coma in the hospital.

" Better than ever. I just hope those kids don't wear him out." They shared a small laugh. " Perla and Del making any progress?"

" It's a bit slow. That's mostly my fault. I can't really handle watching them vomit." By the end of the first day, the least some of them achieved was a radio voice. Some, more determined countries had gotten through old movie voices. Clear enough to be understood. It was on that first night that Soviet confronted Third in the bathroom.

" Why are you following me, Soviet?" Third asked, struggling to control his shaky voice.

" I'm sorry." Soviet began as Third turned to face him.

" That doesn't really change much does it?" Third said as he raised his voice. " Doesn't change......the damage...." He wonders how Mal was able to put up with all that trauma he had with several countries, when he himself struggled to even face one man.

" No, it doesn't." Soviet answered sadly in a soft voice as he took a couple steps closer. Third backed up a bit. " I'm not going to hurt you." He said as he tried to get closer but Third kept his distance until he was backed against the wall. He flinched when the taller man placed both his hands on Third's shoulders. Breathing heavily, Third screwed his eyes shut and turned away. " Third..." Soviet called him softly. " Weimar?" Soviet called even more gently as he got much closer.

" What do you want?" Third shouted just as he was pulled into a hug. Soviet was like a big teddy bear, his arms completely covering Third like a blanket. Gentle and warm. " What are you-" Third froze as he heard the Russian start to cry.

" I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Blyat." He repeated over and over as he cried in his radio voice. " I thought you'd die....I forgot to get you out before I..." He paused as Third pulled away a bit from the hug.

" Well, we both went insane for a while." Third said in a quiet tone. They both shared a moment of silence as they remembered the Meg's effect. They took different kinds but the end result was the same. Blood would be spilt. " I can't forgive you yet Soviet...but I want to. So, you could practice on your voice and I'll just.... practice on forgiving you. Deal?" He held out a hand. Soviet hesitated to take it, this wasn't Nazi anymore, it was truly Weimar again. So that would mean he truly didn't mean to break the truce. He took the hand just as someone else walked in.

" ....I see." Ayutthaya said as he shut the bathroom door. Third started to blush as a grave misunderstanding had occured. " ...." Ayutthaya continued to walk around for a bit, deciding he didn't need the toilet and wanted to get to bed. " Are all Europeans so....homosexual?" He pondered.

" Ayut!" Portuguese Empire called happily. " I heard you got your voice back!" He cheered as Ayutthaya rolled his eyes.

" Hello farang."

" I missed you." Portuguese Empire paused before hugging. " Wait. You don't like hugs." He said with a pout. Ayutthaya sighed and opened up his arms to which Portuguese Empire hugged him with a big smile. " Your voice sounds better today."

" Thank you. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to sleep." He said in a tired voice. They all slept in an auditorium. In tents, because America thought it'd more fun and perhaps to compensate the canceled camp. Langkasuka shared a tent with Kedah Tua as Seri Indah stayed with her husband. He could hear her hum as she put her husband to sleep, like some of the wives were doing for their husbands as well. Ayutthaya had to share with Konbaung Dynasty because he didn't really get along with Hanthawaddy. " Do you hear that?" He asked his roommate. Konbaung listened closely to a sound that was drowning out the hums of the women.

" What is that sound?" Soviet asked when he returned to his tent with Third.

" Just listen." Third said with a smile as he invited him inside to sleep. But then the strange noise stopped abruptly. Before anyone could speak or question, a voice of an old kingdom rose.

" Whatever you hear at night, stays in this room. No one else can know." Langkasuka warned them before the sound resumed. Seri Indah was delighted to hear her father's purrs again. The gentle protective sound filled the auditorium and for the first time in centuries, everyone slept well.

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