Amber's Stockpile

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Amber walked out of the bedroom in a bad mood and ran into Cyribus who immediately clawed at her leg begging for attention.

She sighed and picked up Cyribus gently rubbing the fur into a patted matte on her dainty body. Amber brought her phone up and dialed Valletta's number. 

Valletta yawned then answered. “What's up girl I was calling you whole day yesterday?”

“Sorry, I had to deal with my family. Girl, guess what? I have stock.”

“Whe' you a say? Stock, stock, as in money money stock.”

“The only kind.”

“Where you get money to invest in anything?” Valletta asked becoming more alert.

“My ex and my father put stock in my name behind my back as part of the marriage deal since I signed a prenup.”

“Kiss your father for me.”

“Girl calm down, I am still pissed with my father, because him don't tell me this until me come to him. Guess why, him don't want me do foolishness with it. Like, give it back to Rohan. That is why he never mentioned it.”

He thought since she was so in love with Rohan, Amber would give it back to him without a thought, which Amber admitted she would have done. 

Love did blind her from making smart decisions.

“Why would you, make money off Rohan I say.”

“No, girl you not hearing me. Rohan came to me the night before. He wants the stock back pl-”

“Tell him fi go suck him mother and move!”

Amber resisted the urge to laugh. “Hold on Valetta, better yet, he even wants to give me the car too once I sign a no contest.”

“How much that stock worth?”

“That is what me and my father want to go find out. Because he feels like Rohan is tricking me in some way. That stock might worth more than the car and Rohan probably want that for himself. He came to me, he did not even contact my father.”

“Damn Rohan-”

“Forget him, listen I got to go and deal with this. I will call you later, alright?”

“You better, me want to hear the damage.”

Amber smiled, “Of course you do.” 

They laughed hard and then said their goodbyes.

She checked her Apple of My Eye messages. One was from Solomon, she ignored the twenty other ones.

I can't meet tonight. A lot of stuff going on. Maybe I can squeeze you in after everything done? Or Sunday? You go to church?

Amber had not gone to church in ages. She texted back with, No church, but I won't be working on that day.

She got ready and left to meet up with her father. They met at the merchant bank where that stock got listed and they met with an agent in a tight cubicle where he assisted them personally.

“Bright Island, this is a stock that is slated as seven percent of the current company's assets. No drawings have been made and the stock has matured...” The agent sifted through some papers.

The agent dressed in a clean-cut suit looked up and said, “So you are saying you want to sell the stock is that right?”

Father was beside her and looked uncomfortable in his navy blue button-up shirt. He had a full smoothly cut beard with specks of gray on his sideburns. 

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