Solomon's Leadership

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He sat there watching Andrew slamming an exercise book into the floor of the living room.

The thuds were a dull fixture in Solomon's mind.

Solomon wasn't sure what to think right now, so he stopped. His hearing restored from the shooting thoughts like the rising sun on the new day that welcomed him to the chaos.

He may not know what to think right now, but a lot of people were doing the thinking for him.

Latasha strode in front of Solomon and flipped around with the force of a thousand lightning claps at the following Shanice and Marcus.

"No. She out a order! She coulda never do that to no other man! But no, she affi pick my brother. No, she better answer her phone! Because I don't know who she take we fa'!?" Latasha said.

Marcus and Shanice glanced back and forth between each other with grimacing and flexing jaws.

Solomon's palm twitched to the vibration of the phone in his hand. His hand pulled to the side presenting the notification message on the screen from Amber.

Marcus said, "Everything rough dog, da tell you 'bout that woman!"

Everybody loved talking...


He froze and turned to Solomon.

Solomon sighed. "It's cool."

It wasn't cool. Sonia tricked and deceived him like a grand witch fooled a whole village.

She was a cruel person, but he didn't need to voice that in front of Andrew.

Latasha's face fell out of its anguish and returned to normalcy, yet a frown remained.

Solomon said, "It's fine."

He unlocked the phone and checked the message. Can we talk? "Everything is fine."

Everything was not fine. Solomon harbored dreams as any normal human would. Dreams to become a good man, husband, and father, yet the world around him fought him at every turn. It annoyed him.

His fingers wiggled in the festering traveling along his arms. He couldn't help the depths his lungs and heart sank into.

Solomon breathed in and squeezed his eyes shut trying to shake off the emotions traversing his being.

Don't break Solomon, be strong.

His eyes ripped open as his breath exhaled as a load lifted off of him. He blinked and noted the eyes on him.

The audience was waiting for his fantastic performance. Could he put up another one?

"Solomon, she need to pick up her child, because this shouldn't even be your responsibility," Marcus said.

Solomon wagged his eyebrows. "As long as Andrew is here he's going to be my responsibility, because I don't want her to say anything to me, 'bout we do anything to Andrew." Though, Sonia did say she trusted Solomon.

Marcus kissed his teeth and walked away. "Man yuh a fool. Drop this off at her friend and run left that."

Was that why Sonia did this? She trusted him to accept all of this and she trusted him more than any other guy. He did get off on that level of trust that she gave him. Solomon loved it, but because he loved something didn't mean it was going to be harmless to him.

Solomon clicked and called Amber's number. "I love you guys, but I would prefer less noise around me right now, onnu is a headache."

Latasha sighed. "I'm not a headache."

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