Solomon's Attempt at Grandeur

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The blaring horns and cold semblance that attributed to the haste of the morning commute came in full swing.

Sellers barked for attention to prospective customers as they passed by them, while taxi drivers cursed each other for bad driving, it all seemed tranquil in its own way.

He made sure his data service was up and he was in Downtown, Kingston a half-hour earlier than she asked.

She was passing on her way through Downtown to go up to Crossroad.

Solomon shivered like a sore thumb at this point standing outside this old decrepit church. His breathing became strained, but he tried clearing his throat.

What she was like in person? She seemed to be a much more serious person than he thought. He would have to talk to her and keep his wits up.

She said fifteen minutes and he was not sure how in God's name he was going to impress her in such a short time.

His phone buzzed. He took out the phone and saw the message telling him to go to Mother's, which was the name of a fast-food restaurant. He was not far.

Once he reached, he stalled as his sight caught her. She was standing at the side entrance looking at her phone. A guy was talking to her, but she seemed to be ignoring him.

She carried a shattering beam of a figure compared to the pictures, but that gave her curves more prominence in the black and white plaid dress ending over her knees.

Solomon guessed those were her older pictures when her stomach was more rotund. A dark-gray dress jacket emphasized the curve of her torso and the stoutness of her stance.

She sported kinky straight hair that bobbed on her left and curved over part of her left eye.

A gold crest was imprinted on her slimming high black heel boots, but he could not identify what it was shaped like.

She must have sensed Solomon and turned. Amber instantly walked up to him. A strong scent flowed off her body and mixed with the subtle mist of cherry, it caught his lungs hostage.

Solomon shook his head when he noticed something else. She was tall, taller than him.

He was six feet. She was taller by one inch at least. Even though he tried to dress at his best, he could not deny he looked average compared to her rather boss lady attire. It made him self-conscious of all the eyes peering at them.

Especially the guy who failed to get her attention, Solomon could already predict the comparisons being made in these people's minds.

"Hey," she said. She stared down at him blankly. A tinge of worry gripped his body.

Solomon was naturally caught off guard by how beautiful she was. The pictures did no justice. He must be dreaming right now.

Solomon shouted in his mind to get himself together. He had little time after all.

"Hi, so what do you want to do?" he asked.

She blinked at him then she turned her head. Without looking around back, "I want to collect my order and leave soon after."

Solomon kicked himself mentally. Right of course she would. Her voice was rather soft, so it lessened the blow. "We can talk for that fifteen minutes before you leave?"

Amber nodded as she left him. She picked up the order and motioned at him with an inviting index finger to a table.

Amber sat down and she was typing something on her phone. Solomon saw three patties and a box food, no juice.

Solomon waited a few seconds and noted she still did not look up from the phone. He cleared his throat.

"You can talk, I am listening," she said with a rock of her head and that soothing melodic tone.

Solomon was taken aback, but not deterred. "So Sales Representative, me hear that job always have you on the road a lot. Must be tough."

She groaned like something hit her. "It is just boring." Amber waved her left hand in a dismissive gesture. "I am sure it is the same for you with construction."

"Right because all I do is bash the road in with a hammer."

She said nothing, still on her phone.

He continued, "At least we men make the roads smooth for you to drive on. Nuh want to mash up your car too tough. You should thank me."

Amber burst out snickering. "Ok, sir. I hear you and thank you for making me little car nuh mash up."

Solomon searched for things to say. Car, right, he asked, "Where is that car?"

She looked and her eyed moved right of him. He followed her eyes and turned. On the curb, he saw an old-fashioned dark green SUV.

"That?" He motioned towards it.

She shook her head and said, "Yes, my car that."

Solomon tried to analyze it grasping from his memory what it could be named. "Looks nice. Looks like a Ford."

"I think so, I am not sure. It name Explorer though. I had to buy that second-hand."

She placed the phone down now and was giving him her full attention.

A thunder struck his tongue as he hesitated. He swallowed and eased the rising pressure in his chest.

This was his chance. Solomon decided to not waste it, even though his heart rate raced like Seabiscuit for the win.

He was going to win, that was for sure.

"You are, beautiful I mean wow. I am so glad I got to meet you. You know."

She nodded and smiled a bit. Her eyes struck him as he sat there. "Thanks, same here."

Solomon wrecked his brain for something to say. "Man..." He looked away from her penetrating eyes sucking him into her universe.

That was when Solomon noted the guy that was trying to talk to her was shooting daggers at them as he left. Solomon smirked as he knew he was not the burned guy here. "I am sure a man would give his arm to be with a girl like you."

Amber said nothing, but she shifted in her seat. Her phone buzzed and pinged for her attention.

Solomon said, "A man would probably die for you. I know I could."

Her brow furrowed at that. "Would you?" she asked.

"Maybe, I could. But certain things would have to be, you know placed forward on your end."

Her smile dropped, but even as her phone vibrated she kept his gaze. "Like what?" Her voice sounded way too high now, it was like she was on edge.

Solomon answered, "I mean you are beautiful fi real, and when you were talking about that partner thing. I felt like maybe I can be that one. Trust me if you love me, you will get all of me. Body and soul, especially my body. You deserve that much."

That came out wrong, Solomon felt like that just did not flow well.

He was right, for she rolled her eyes and took up her phone.

Solomon leaned back as her head bobbed with her eyes shifted back and forth as if she was annoyed.

Was it him? He hoped it was not him.

She moved forward and groaned out aloud. Her hand slid across the side of her hair as she got up. "Listen I got to go."

She took up her food and her handbag.

Solomon was shell-shocked. He was at a loss for words as she looked down at him. She continued, "Sorry something come up, text me ok?"

Solomon opened his mouth, but she already passed him not waiting for an answer. He finally got his mouth working as he turned in the seat. "Ye-yeah sure..."

Solomon was not sure she heard her. Amber never looked back. She was gone and he was left wondering if he made a good first impression.

Did he? Please comment and vote if you can, I especially love criticism as we all need to improve. I will try to reply to all I can.

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