Solomon's Mixup

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Solomon led her to the destination, for even if they easily walked in like they belonged there they didn't belong there.

Drums beat into his head, while the melodic guitar strung of Beres Hammond's They Gonna Talk added levity to the bright smiles of the patrons.

The party was not a party more than it was a highbrow function being held. Amber and Solomon stood on the platform leading down from the nature-inspired wooden slide entrance with faux vines looping through the inner diamond slots.

Tables and chairs laid closer to the pastel green walls. The red carpet in the middle of the room added a fiery equivalence to the clashing colors. 

There was a mini-bar and even waiters attending to some people, for they were easily distinguishable with their mix of white long sleeve shirts with black vest jackets and black dress pants. 

A lot of well-dressed people here, bright shimmering watches, and a great number of heels. 

Solomon realized he never looked the part. Most of these guys were looking like suave gentlemen. He fiddled with his fingers and hoped he had not embarrassed her. Amber stared out with a bland look. She seemed unimpressed and must be very used to environments like this.

Solomon decided to follow her lead, yet Amber had not moved. Amber was moving her head around as if looking for something. Solomon was about to speak.

“We might beeee...” She closed her lips, and twisted them. “People are looking.”

Solomon was shocked to hear that and he started looking around. He saw no one looking at them in particular. Solomon motioned towards the side. “Let's order something.”

Amber stared up at him and nodded. They went to a chair, Solomon drew it and she smiled, gladly taking it. Amber reached for a rectangular pamphlet made of thin cardboard on the table. Solomon pondered if he should call one or was it more proper to wait on someone to come to them.

He did not have to wonder much longer. A waitress and his eyes connected. She came over to him expectantly and asked, “Do you need anything, sir?” 

He paused, but swiftly remembered he had a date to make happy. Solomon turned to Amber. "Anything to drink?"

“Garlic potato wedges and rum cream?” Amber asked. She nodded at Amber.

“Yes, we can get you a glass with that order. Anything for the gentleman?” She looked at Solomon again. 

Solomon relaxed and inquired, “What are the options?”

“Well, we have many liquors from whiskeys, vodka, gin, tequila, white rum, red and white wine, we can also make you a cocktail like.”

He guessed a Red Stripe was out of the question. Should he order alcohol? It would fit this place, for ordering soda would make his cluelessness more obvious.

Don't embarrass her, Solomon frowned and decided to start simple. “Vodka.”

“Which flavor? Pi—”

“Surprise me.” He could care less about the options.

The waitress smiled widely. “Great, oh did you get your special?”

Solomon tried to not look surprised. “No.”

“Yes, I can get you a special drink of apple margarita mixed with Gin. All I need is your invite and we-”

“Forget it, not a fan of margaritas.” Solomon hoped that made sense, plus he didn't want to reveal himself.

The waitress merely nodded and looked to Amber who smiled. “No thanks I already had mine.”

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