Solomon's Fatherhood

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Solomon used his old phone's browser to look at the new phones he could buy on the website's store.

Shanice called, "Solomon, someone out yuh fi you!"

Solomon decried himself for getting his phone damaged, but such was life and he had to manage it. At least his workplace was starting to respect him, but it meant more work. 

Solomon gritted his teeth that he made his life more stressful. If the good result that comes out of it would be him being promoted then that would be mission accomplished in his book.

Baxton, who he would find out was the son of the owner took a liking to him and something about that wrapped him like a cold patty, not hot, frigid.

Solomon was Baxton's go-to worker and as such, was helping the golden child while the other workers laughed behind Solomon's back.

One good thing came out of it, Solomon would be trusted enough to drive his SUV on short errands. 

Not that his salary got higher because of it. Marcus told him to stick with it and hope for the best.


A promise was a comfort for a fool and he was no fool. Solomon came out of his room to see Andrew crying and stomping behind Junior.

He went outside to the black tiled with white polka-dot floored verandah to see Sonia standing outside his gate, smiling. Why was she smiling?

Also, heat raised up the back of his neck, for she dressed like she was about strike up a wildfire in some man's life and it obviously wasn't his. 

Her slimming pants parted at the hip edges. Chains crossed either side of the slit down the length of her pants showing her black lace floral centered thong.

Her thin translucent yellow sleeveless jacket rolled over her white tube top. A bob-cut hair complimented her round head and kissing dark brown lipsticks.  Sonia looked gorgeous with affectionate flair.

Solomon's hitched to even speak. She always loved yellow and it was amazing to see her look her best. It reminded him of why he loved her in the first place, but beauty wasn't what it was cracked up to be when the heart was darker than a coal mine.

"Hey." Solomon swallowed to moisten his drying throat and tilted his head.

Sonia flicked her hand through an opening and knocked on the lock. "Let me in nuh? How you lock me out suh?"

He stood in the rectangular patch of the verandah the large gate separated them with the garden sitting beside them.

Solomon put on a fake smirk. "You a go a sleep out there, cause, the morning just just light."

Her eyes swirled into a darker glare and that smile became more electrifying. "You cruel eh?"

Not cruel enough…

Solomon unlocked the grill and slid under his arm like a happy princess in training balancing books.

He watched her sway her body in an exhilarating flourish. The beat of her eyelashes spiked heroin into his system. Maybe he was imagining it, but he could have sworn she was performing for him. That was a selfish thought, but he wanted to believe it.

"Sonia! Hot a road!"

Solomon and Sonia shook out their reverie to see Chester on the roadside staring at, well, obviously, Sonia.

She waved. "Yeah, wha' gwan?"

"Nothing still, da yah, but my gyal, you stunning, skin clean like dunce pickney book."

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