Solomon's Dismissal

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Solomon stopped the car in front of his gate, while the engine growled its renewed spirit.

He leaned back and stared outside. His fingers drummed along the surface of the wheel. This should have been a happy moment for him, after all he got his vehicle back. It was working.

The effect wasn't the same. Well, of course it would, he already owned the car, so that new car smell wore off.

Still, something else nagged at him, the silence. Normally, he would be carrying Andrew inside and he would be punching Solomon's face like Andrew was Rocky in training.

That infernal laughing echoed in his head. Solomon couldn't shake that boy's chuckle as if this duppy movie must be watched.

He couldn't believe he was about to say this to himself, but he missed Andrew.

Solomon groaned and rubbed his face in annoyance. He couldn't do anything about that now, all he could do was hope that in time he would forget.


Solomon turned off the car and got out.

By the time he reached inside, Shanice was sitting on the couch, phone in hand and the wooden handle of the mop in between her crossed legs, slanted on her shoulder.

Solomon hesitated for a second, because he thought she looked weird to have the mop in between her legs, but the moment he tried to step inside.

"Hey, don't step on my floor with your dutty boot," she said without looking up from her phone.

It wasn't even her place, but as Solomon would learn when a woman cleans the floor, it belongs to her.

So he brokered no complaint and stayed outside. He leaned back into the plastic chair on the verandah.

Solomon went through his phone and rested on Amber's number. He called Amber and she answered in a low unenthusiastic voice, "Hey."

"Sup? You sound tired. You go to work today?"

"Yeah, I did, but I had to sort through a bunch of files from decades ago, the all day. No seh, I might actually quit my job, this too much."

"Anything you wa' do, I got you. At least you'll spend more time with me."

"Shut up." She snickered.

"I'm serious, I'm the greatest hobby you can ever get."

"Anything you say, sir. But you have to quit your job too."

He reasoned that as much, but he wasn't sure about that. Solomon didn't feel comfortable just having fun, because, he always worked. His hands and legs were always working toward something.

It was already bad, he couldn't take care of her right now. His job was the last thing he had.

Solomon wanted to express that, but just as he was about to, Shanice came out and said, "Hey, Solomon where do you keep your sp—"

Solomon shushed her and Shanice held her palm out and retreated. Solomon was about to speak. Amber cut in. "Who was that?"

"Ah, friend. An—"

"Solomon is the same woman voice that. Was she not your cousin, how she tun' your friend?" her voice had a sharp edge to it.

Solomon swiftly relaxed and just as, laid down the base for his defense. "She is like a friend to me."

"Ah eh, spoken like a true gyallis."

"Amber do not bother assuming that. I am loyal, alright?"

"Or you? Or you really? Just like you expecting me to believe that you live with your mom? You lied about that. Then you said your cousin was living with you, you can't believe I forgot. You have a female friend living in your house? You expect me to believe it truly platonic? Everything is perfectly okay just like when Sandy kissed you in the club?!"

That was way too many things coming at him at once. Solomon's lips flapped in confusion.

Okay, one thing at a time.

Was she talking Michaela? He heard Valletta calling her Sandy. Solomon opened his mouth to retort, but it hesitated as his brain struggled to think up a counter.

Amber laughed. "Unbelievable, you know what Solomon? Drop dead! I am glad I met you, because you prove men do not have a conscience."

The call ended and Solomon was left stupefied. He called her, no answer. Solomon called her again, no answer.

No, his breathing seized up as he got up in a flurry of his shaking arms. He grabbed the side of his head with his elbows and held back the urge to cry.

A breath escaped out and his chest burned with a massive depth of distraught. Shivering, he leaned back as the cataclysmic weight enclosed him.

He was like a speck, while he ran the conversation over and over again trying to grasp how he could have screwed that up.

Solomon dropped his arms and paced endlessly as he tried to gather his thoughts. What happened?

Why, why, why?! His breathing hitched as he shivered. He exhaled and no relief never came. Solomon breathed in and his chest hurt. Doubling over, he stared around, for his hands quivered.

"Solomon, Solomon, Solomon, Solomon!?"

Solomon was still. His chest felt heavy, he sucked in air in a soundless breathe and rocked his head as if shaking off something. He straightened and pushed down the pain inside of him.

Solomon turned around with a smile.

Shanice's fear turned to a scrutinizing gaze as her eyes narrowed. "You okay?" Shanice asked.

Solomon stared at her, licked his lips, nodded said, "Fine, I am great, fantastic."


Duppy - A ghost.

Gyallis - A man known for having many women as sexual partners or being adept with women.

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