Amber's Waking

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Amber called and got straight voicemail. It's been a week. She pondered why he wasn't texting her at all, some days ago, but not even her calls were going through. 

His phone couldn't have been off for so long.  She rolled over and looked up into the roof. After some minutes where sleep evaded her, she checked her phone and decided to call Sonia.

No answer after ringing, that was usual. Amber groaned and rolled over in the bed. Disorienting, her doubts set in. 

Amber wished she never saw Rohan. He always had a way of getting under her skin. It hurt to cut him off in front of his face, but Amber knew she had to do it. 

It took some courage to cut him loose, but now she could get on with her life. And what did her life have in store for her? Solomon? Amber liked him, but there seemed to be so many she feared.

Was he just going to be a fling or a serious partner? She did find it weird how a handsome man like him was so shy. He did come off a bit cheesy. Amber smiled, for she liked that side of him. He tended to make her laugh, mostly at him, so she could not complain.

Still, Rohan, those eyes he gave her... He was gone. She was free. She puffed up the pillow under her head and rested her head looking out into space.

No thoughts crossed her mind as did any emotions. A silence that carried into the darkness and brought her into the light.

All she could do was work and get on with her life. Amber was at her table typing in the data from the sheet. 

The snap of heels across the marble floor kept her from hyper-focusing on her task.

Talking with Danielle, she gave Amber some solace with some wise words, Valletta focused on her life since they were no Rohan gossip to speak of, while Michaela and Amber were distant ever since that night.

Was Michaela mad or something, because Michaela hadn't called Amber in a while. It couldn't have been about that assumption Amber made.

Amber frowned, for that reminded her, Solomon. It's been one week and three days now.

Why was Solomon ignoring her? Every call went to voicemail, every call. Usually, the men disappeared after she gave them sex. Solomon probably assumed she wasn't worth the effort. She was going to be too difficult, so he ran like an Olympic runner to an easier competition. 

Amber breathed out as her chest tightened for some stupid reason. She finished with this sheet and reached for the pen to sign off on it.

No problem, not like she liked him that much anyway. He could leave, it was fine. 

Amber gripped the pen and wrote, the pen slipped, tearing into the paper. Her jaw twitched on the left. Amber closed her eyes and inhaled through her nose.

She lifted her hands in alarm and dropped the pen. 

Calm down…

She sighed. Amber needed to copy this and redo the official sign-off. She did that and readied herself at her station to continue her work.

Her phone rang soundlessly. She looked at it. Solomon's name widened her eyes and lifted her spirits. She grabbed the phone. Her thumb froze over the screen. 

Amber stared and wondered what excuse he had to tell her. Maybe something happened? Amber sighed and slid the icon across to initiate the call. “Hello?”

“Hey, sup?” Solomon has a pip in his voice.

Amber's ire came out in her voice. “I have been calling you Solomon. For a whole week, how yuh nuh call me?”

Solomon's voice lost its edge as he replied, “Me son damaged me phone, dash it ina water by accident.”

Amber shook with apprehension then looked around to make sure nobody was overhearing her. “You have a child?”

“Yeeeeah… I don't like to talk about him too tough. He is really from me last relationship.”

Amber calmed down, but she was not letting him off the hook. “I see. So how your phone start work, you get it fixed?”

“No, it still giving me problem. It is just that me will turn it on and it chips out with the slightest shake. Me—"

Amber heard a voice cut in, “Whe you want Solomon?!”

Solomon retorted back. “Is...” Silence, something like shuffling paper, then a heavy thud after several minutes of silence. “Me give it to someone to fix, but them couldn't figure it out. Probably need a new pho—”

“Who was that woman I heard?” As much as Amber wanted to talk to Solomon she preferred to know the source of that voice. 

Solomon stumbled. “Ah, mhm, ah, cousin, that was my cousin. She was staying over tonight so yeah.”

Amber narrowed her eyes. To think he had a child, she should ask about that, but decided to do that another time. She felt like he wasn't being honest about the phone. “So you say.”

There was a crackle before his voice dropped an octave. “Me can show it to you if you do not believe me.”

Amber smirked and decided to play with him a bit. “Ehhh, I was telling Valletta and we swore you found a new woman and all these things.”

“A you alone me want. Not a soul other than you.”

“Make me believe it.”

“Amber,” He said with tenderness in his voice. "Drive me a drive come up there for you.”

“Ehh. Who a gas you up?" Amber sat up and leaned forward when a co-worker passed behind her to the other side of the room.

"You, simple." That silky voice of his slipped into her mind and made her eyes roll back at the rising heat across her face.

She chapped her lips. “When?”

“Ahhhhh, tomorrow. We can link then.”

Amber drew back her bottom lip and thought on it. “That should be fine. I am not working, so we can chill for a good time.”

She heard nothing. Amber looked at her phone. The call ended. That was annoying. Before she put down her phone a message came up. 

Can't wait to meet you again. I'll call you when you leave work

Amber smiled with rosy cheeks at the future.


Gas up - Influence the pride or ego of

Link - meet with someone

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