Amber's Fall

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Amber dared not look down when he slanted her up onto her feet. Her low heels dug in and she almost stumbled staying straight. His hand pressed along her back, stabilizing her, while shaking her composition with the rush of heat down her spine. 

Amber moved forward allowing his reassuring touch to fall. The elation faded and she could think rationally again. She was glad to be back on earth, or in this case sand.

Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest when he lifted her. She couldn't even believe he did that. Not even Rohan could lift her!

Amber stepped forward with wobbling legs thanks to her becoming inebriating from his scent.

 This man…

Why the hell did he take her up for? She could walk. Amber didn't need to be carried around. 

Still, it was nice that her legs got the rest, because if it was any other man, they would have let her walk. They wouldn't even be able to lift her anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered. 

She never wanted to visit this beach, but she could feel his arms lowering and his endurance waning.

Amber decided to jump off that ship. She knew this man enough. Solomon was too stubborn to admit he was losing the battle in trying to keep her up.

He wanted to show off and act like he was the greatest specimen among the Greek Gods.

Amber didn't want him to drop her or anything due to his hubris. She looked at her watch and frowned at how much time passed.

Did he carry her that far and that long? Amber knew he was strong, but not that strong. She looked up as he got closer.  His smile tickled her, but his eyes focused on her the way she always wanted a man to.

She averted her eyes and took in the thin strip of sand eaten in large chunks by the greedy sea. 

“Beautiful, no?” his voice sweetened her ears.

Amber stared at Solomon's warm eyes. She turned around and regarded the black thin stems of the trees cradling the border between the street and sand. 

There would be other skinny trees birthing leaves with spots of yellow. They sat in bunches diagonal to each other and the sea's swell splashed in a white spray leaving white foam over the exposed roots.

This was more like a mangrove with those trees' roots growing out of the water's surface. 

The seagulls flew carefree under the sun's blazing glare using the salty zephyr as their highway. A reemerging smell of kiwi touched her nose and it gave her something to appreciate.

A resolute calm washed over her. She would agree that this was beautiful. This was not why they drove out though and the ache striking her body below her ribs was not to be ignored.

“I am still hungry.” She looked back at Solomon with a wave of her hands.

Solomon never lost the smile. He only turned around and moved off. He took up a branch prostrating it in front of her face. She asked, “What is that for?”

“You said you would beat me, soooo...”

Amber controlled her urge to laugh and retorted strongly. “We are stuck out here. Solomon, nobody is around for miles.” Well, that was not completely accurate. She saw a few other people on the beach, but it was emptier than a desert. 

“Sorry me screw up. Me soon call somebody. But we out here, let me make it up to you. We ca' chill here.”

She had no problem with that, but she preferred not being uncomfortable while enjoying the sight. Amber folded her arms and sighed. “Without food?” 

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