Amber's Bad Prenup

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Amber dropped off the medication and the documents at headquarters. She gave in her report and checked in with Mr. Ally for further briefing. 

She had been on the road since nine in the morning. Lethargy crippled her, so she hoped to get some rest. She was slated for an evening shift when tomorrow came. 

Amber reached the work lunch room and took out her phone. She got at least eleven texts from men, and three from her girlfriends. Four missed calls, from her ex-husband Rohan.

She was only interested in three people. Her friend Valletta, a guy she was on and off for over a year named Davon, and her baby gallis Solomon.

Valletta sent, Girl, you nuh left work yet?

AWOL Devon sent, Yo what you doing this weekend? Long time we nuh link up.

Baby Gyallis Solomon, I swear that must be the flex of the year if she won. She deserved it. Can you sing? You have a soft voice, I feel like you can sing.

She texted Valletta and told her she was about to leave. Amber told Devon she was too tired from work to go nowhere and that he should visit her at her house.

Amber learned Solomon liked Maribella who was her favorite reggae artist. They were talking about the possibility of her winning an award at an international show.

Though Amber wondered about that voice comment, was her voice soft?

Was her voice weak? 

Amber shifted uncomfortably about that then sent a text telling him she does not sing. She left the workplace.

On the way driving home, she fielded texts from Davon and Solomon. 

Davon wrote, Yo, me can’t get a piece when I come over?

A crinkle of annoyance raised across her forehead.

Amber sent a voice note to Davon. “You are asking for a piece after six months me can’t see you? What I look like to you, your seasonal woman?” 

She came out of WhatsApp after that.

Amber went into her Apple of My eye when she reached a stoplight. She saw Solomon’s message. 

Solomon wrote, You probably sing better than you think. We should do karaoke, you will shell down the place believe me. Your voice sound soft like puppy fur.

Why describe it as a puppy? 

The one time she wished she could voice note, but Apple of My Eye did not have such functions. She should ask for his number or at least waited until he asked again. There was no rush.

She typed quickly, First, yuh diss my voice then you want to make me a superstar gwah

A call came in from Davon, but she ignored it. Another notification came in from Solomon and Davon.

Davon wrote, It ain’t like that you know I have been busy. Moving and all these things.

Amber gave Davon another voice note as she turned off onto another road. “All those times I called you, you can’t answer back without an excuse? You always are doing something with other people, but you can’t make time for me. All of sudden you miss me enough to come to my house, and get a piece. Davon don’t do that. You literally fell off the equator. I asked your friends and they say you had other women in close proximity. I was nowhere to be seen.” 

Amber breathed out her stress and went to see what Solomon wrote, I would never diss your voice. It is your voice keeping me company without you close to me.

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