Amber's Joy

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Amber stared at the phone screen.

Her sister sent an embarrassed face emoji and exclamation points to punctuate the shock.

Then, Call me, tell me what you mean. 

Amber needed to do that later.

She sighed and placed her phone on the table's top. "You're the only friends I can trust."

Valletta and Michaela were with her at a restaurant in St. Ann, sitting on a balcony overlooking a steep drop into an algae-infested rocky enclave that curved the incoming waves from the sea. 

Trees raised over the white fences around the restaurant's property. Everything looked so serene through the new brown shades she wore. 

The scent of the salty breeze complemented the golden thick aroma of her chili bowl and boiled lobsters sitting in their stew.

"That's... Sonia gone just like that?" Michaela raised her head off the comfy chair. 

Amber wagged her head. "She a call, but me not engaging with that."

Valletta sneered with a scowl, "And still have her son a shack up with your man."

Michaela said, "Amber, give him her address me say."

Amber wasn't sure that was a good idea, because that was not her place that was her boyfriend's place. The last thing Amber wanted was for Solomon to be in any altercation with that man of all people.

Amber rubbed her forehead. "Me done with that. Can't be around someone like that, telling me to help her deceive somebody."

Michaela gestured at Amber. "That's your friend though."

Valletta rolled her eyes and took a piece of her fried fish.

Amber said, "True, but sometimes, things nuh last and that's okay. First Carmen, now Sonia. I'm moving on."

Valetta said, "I give it one week."

Amber frowned. "Bite me."

"Wrong person you telling," Michaela said.

Amber and Valletta snickered. 

Michaela said, "Seriously, though, you sure you want to go through with this? So many years…"

"Yes, I am sure." Amber nodded with firmness.

Valletta stared as she rubbed her palms, while Michaela gazed with her mouth parted in bemusement. It ended swiftly enough, for Michaela clasped her mouth shut and looked up into the sky.

Amber didn't need Sonia or Carmen anyway. Solomon belonged to her, so there was no way she was going to let Sonia use him in some fantasy for her son. 

Amber frowned knowing Andrew was going to get hurt the most from this. He was still with Solomon even now. 

It's been three days, Amber called him yesterday and texted him today, Sonia still hadn't called him. Maybe Amber should pick up Andrew herself, because this was ridiculous.

She sighed.

"Woman, stop being sad over good food," Valletta said.

Michaela laughed out aloud attracting some 'fast' people inside the dining area. 

Amber smiled. "I'm not. Just thinking."

Valletta's eyebrows raised. "'bout?"

"Solomon. Let me ask you something. So, I told him right. I told him me money tall."

Valletta and Michaela slowed their chewing.

"Then he told me, he doesn't want me to take care of him. He told me to take care of myself, but not him. Like who says that?"

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