Weak, Wet, and Wild

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Sighing, I lifted the hem of my nightgown before l laid on the mattress once again. I closed my eyes, imagined Harry was with me, and I touched my soaking center hoping to at least relieve the ache that my fantasy Harry promised to give me in the sexiest dream I have ever had... Maybe just maybe, I would meet Harry in my dreams once again. Maybe I would get the chance to feel his aching hardness inside of me as I lost myself in my naughty fantasies of Harry James Potter...

I get so weak in the knees, I can hardly speak
I lose all control and something takes over me
In a daze and it's so amazing, it's not a phase
I want you to stay with me, by my side
I swallow my pride, your love is so sweet
It knocks me right off of my feet
Can't explain why your loving makes me weak

It's my nineteenth birthday today. I wasn't expecting much, maybe a couple of gifts and birthday greetings from my friends. And then, I thought I was in for a rough day. Nobody greeted me at all. I didn't receive a single letter even from my parents. I wanted to cry but I kept it all in.

Just when I thought that this was the worst birthday ever, Harry dragged me to the Room of Requirement telling me that he had a life-changing secret to tell me. So, I acquiesced even if I was pissed that he forgot my birthday.

To my surprise, my parents were inside the room. The Weasleys, the professors, and all our other friends were inside and they sang me a birthday song.

My mum then carried a cake with nineteen candles for me to blow. Harry was standing beside my dad with a big grin on his face. His emerald green eyes were sparkling with happiness. He was happy to see me so happy. He was just being the typically sweet Harry again and I just wanted to snog him. The clueless wizard had been haunting my fantasies and drenching my knickers late at night. It didn't help that he still paraded his sexiness in our private dormitory.

I had half a mind to scold him for showing off his goods but I was afraid that he'd discover my secret – the fact that I was deep in lust over him. Yes, lust. The way I've been fantasizing about him was just plain old hormonal induced lust. I refused to name it as something else.

The party had long been over. It was just me and Harry now. We're lounging about in our private common room, slightly tipsy from the butterbeer and elf wine with our bellies satiated with the delicious food the house-elves had cooked.



"I got you something – "

"Harry, you shouldn't have! You already went through all that trouble of organizing the party and – "

"Oh, just accept it, Granger," he reached for my hand and he placed a small velvet box on my palm.

"Harry, I – "

"Just open it," he rolled his eyes.

With slightly shaking hands, I opened the box and inside it was a beautiful gold chain with a heart-shaped emerald pendant that was surrounded by tiny diamonds. I closed the box and attempted to return it to him.

"Harry, this is too much... I can't – "

"Of course, you can. I insist. Besides, it belonged to my mother – "

"Harry! This is priceless. All the more reason for you too keep it... It was your mother's and – "

"She'd want you to have it... Just take it okay? For me?" He pouted.

"Alright," I sighed. I gathered my wild curly hair to one side and turned around.

"Er, what – "

Harry x Hermione Short StoriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz