Weak, Wet, and Wild

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"I'll just take a quick shower and then we'll work on our paper," he kissed my cheek once again and since I didn't expect it this time around, I blushed. He obviously noticed the redness in my cheeks because he chuckled as he stood from the couch.

Harry crouched down to pick up his discarded clothing, along with his Firebolt. I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from squealing because his cute butt and his back muscles were perfectly displayed in front of me.

He walked toward his room but he suddenly stopped. He glanced at me and said cheekily, "you should blush some more. It looks cute on you." With that statement, Harry Potter disappeared into his bedroom while my heart pounded erratically in my chest. My knees were shaking, not because of fear, but because of intense sexual awareness.

I hated myself for finally acknowledging how damn fine a species of wizard my best friend is.

Harry Potter, what the hell are you doing to me?

'Cause my heart starts beating triple time
With thoughts of loving you on my mind
I can't figure out just what to do
When the cause and cure is you

I'm studying in the library again. It's late at night but Madam Pince trusted me so I'm all alone right now. Frankly, I preferred to study at night when there were no students sneaking glances at me. This was NEWT year so I have to bring my A-game. I must not allow myself to be distracted by anything or anyone.

I'm focused on editing this Arithmancy paper that was due in two weeks. I wanted to submit a perfect analysis that would earn me an O in the subject. Since I wanted to try my hand at enchanting objects and creating my own spells someday, I must excel in Arithmancy.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps from somewhere and it's getting closer and closer. I immediately removed my wand from the pocket of my robes. It's a reflex reaction from all the horrors of the recently concluded war.

"Who is there?" I tried to make my voice calm and firm. I could feel my knees shake but I only hoped that whoever the intruder was, they wouldn't notice.

"Why are you still here, Hermione?" A deep husky voice breathed against my ear. I shivered once more. This time it wasn't because of fear but sexual awareness, rawness, and lust.

I held out my hand and tried to grasp something silky. When I found what I was looking for, I lowered the silky cloth. I expected to find my best friend, Harry Potter, underneath the invisibility cloak. What I didn't expect was to find him half-naked with only his tight-fitted Quidditch trousers on. I gulped as my eyes devoured this gorgeous wizard standing in front of me.

When Harry leaned in so that his handsome face was just mere inches away from mine with his breath tickling my face, I was mesmerized. I only managed a gasp when he roughly pulled me from my seat as I felt his bare chest pressed against me.

"I know you've been watching me, Hermione... Why do you think I parade myself in front of you?" He whispered against my ear.

"I – I – " I stammered as my cheeks heated up. I honestly didn't know what to say to that.

"I want you, Hermione... I want you as much as I know you want me," when his tongue teased on my earlobe, I lost it. I whimpered in pleasure, eager for more.

"Will you let me fuck you on this desk? Like I've always wanted to?" His lips were teasing on my jaw now.


Harry lifted me up and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. Our eyes were connected in a heated gaze. His emerald green eyes were smoldering with lust as he positioned me on top of the wooden table.

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