Chapter 22 - The Trap

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She parked the car and hesitantly approached the house where several people were sitting on the porch. His best friend Jace was among them, standing there with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Have ummm. Have you guys seen Blaze?" she asked, trying to sound as confident as she could.

Jace looked over at Jose and the others, but didn't say anything.

"I've been trying to call and text him but he doesn't answer. He's late for work and his boss is really mad."

Jose finally spoke up and said, "Sorry. Can't help you.We haven't seen him in days."

Jolie scrunched her eyebrows.

"That's a lie. He just texted me earlier that he was here hanging out with you guys," she said and Jose's eyes narrowed.

"If Jose says we haven't seen him in days, then we haven't seen him in days," Jace told her firmly with his square jaw locked in place. "Now I think you better leave, before we have to escort you out of here the hard way."

She looked around at the others faces and they all had their arms crossed, glaring at her.

"Okay. I'm leaving. Just, if you see Blaze, please have him call me and let me know he's okay."

None of them even acknowledged what she said and she slowly turned around, walking back towards the car.

"Hey!" one of the guys shouted and she turned back to look at him. "Don't come back here again. The next time I promise we won't be so welcoming."

She noticed he put his hand on the gun that was in the holster on his belt and her blood ran cold.

She nodded her head, unable to speak and she turned and hurried to the car, starting it up and driving out of there as fast as she could. When she was finally on the open road heading back towards town, she lost it and started crying, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

**Four Hours Earlier - Blaze's Point of View **

Blaze pulled his motorcycle up the driveway and parked by the barn, killing the engine. He headed toward the house and walked inside seeing Jace sitting there lining up row of guns and ammunition on a long table.

"There you are buddy. I was starting to think I couldn't count on you anymore."

"Yeah well, I'm here," Blaze said, letting out an exhale. "But we need to talk."

"About what?" Jace asked, furrowing his eyebrows at him.

"You know all the shit I have going on with my family right now. My little brother's depending on me man. I'm the only person he has left so I've gotta keep my nose clean and lay low for a while so I can get custody of him. I wish I could by help you out today man, but I can't."

Jace put the gun down that was in his hands and looked at Blaze like he was seeing him for the first time.

"You're trying to get out of helping on this run?" he asked in disbelief. "After I've already made the arrangements and set up the drop site with the buyer? Do you have any idea what kind of a bind you're putting me in here?"

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