16: Culprit

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(Wow what a chapter! Get ready folks, this one is a rough one!! Let me know what you think in the comments!

Please note that this chapter may have spoilers of Lancelot/Sirius routes in it. If you haven't read those stories yet, please beware of what you read below!)

(Harr's P.O.V)

It was a calm, quiet morning in the White Rabbits cottage. Despite the looming trial that had started by now, the snow outside was falling, and the Sunday morning air was peaceful.

As per my duties, I was watching over Lancelot while Loki, Blanc and Oliver were tending to Luka's trial. Currently I sat at the table in the kitchen drinking Earl Grey tea. The silence around the cottage was soberingly beautiful.

"So you're finally awake."

I could sense his presence from a mile away. I spoke to the ominous energy that hadn't passed through the kitchen door yet.

"How long have I been out?"

The Red King, clad in charcoal sweatpants and a light grey long sleeve pushed open the door and took a seat at the table. He looked thinner, and was more pale than usual.

"Two days this time. But that should be the last of the poison now."

I watched my best friend divert his gaze out the window that stood behind the sink. His focus waned as he rose his hand to his forehead, wiping the flustered sweat from his skin.

A fever. Probably a biproduct from the poison.

I wanted to order him back to bed, but I knew that wouldn't go over well.

An awkward, uncomfortable silence loomed between us. There was so much I wanted to say, but a mutual understanding felt entirely out of reach.

"He didn't do it...did he..?"

Lancelots quiet, emotionless voice weighed down on the silence between us. His question unfairly left me an opening that would make or break how any future between us would go down. I hesitated; did I really want to shatter the remaining shards of friendship we had left?


..........for the good of Cradle, I had to.

"You know very well who did it." I steeled my nerves, ready to defend against his next move. The tension in the room instantly escalated.

Lancelot suddenly stood up throwing the chair from behind him and tipping it over with a loud crash.

"You won't ever learn." He sneered, a cruel glare on his face. I didn't meet his eyes; instead simply taking another calm, collected sip of my tea.

"Speak for yourself." I retorted. Clearly he was unimpressed with my sarcasm.

"After all these years, that's all you have to say to me?" Despite how angered he looked, Lancelot's voice was still as bitterly emotionless as ever.

His words hit a nerve in me. I stood up; so enraged that I knocked my tea cup over and spilled its contents on the table accidentally.

"I know you're not stupid, Lance. You know very well Amon has been pulling the strings behind the Red Army. For years!"

It didn't matter to me how big of a rift this would cause anymore. It was already too late to stop now.

"The only reason why I was banished in the first place was because you're father knew I was aware of his and Amon's partnership, and couldn't take the pressure! You're looking for proof!? There. There's the proof!"

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