11: As Black as Night

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(Its almost Christmas! In light of that, here is another new chapter. This one will be switching back and forth a bit as the main plot starts to thicken. But in the next few chapters, things are going to get crazy! Happy Holidays everyone, I will try to publish another chapter before the New Year! )

(Kelly P.O.V)

"This isn't sweet enough. Bring me more sugar cubes."

A heavy sigh reverberated beside me, before Sirius slowly and painfully stood up from the table in the dining room. This was now his third trip to the kitchen to fetch something for Jonah; and despite the Queen of Spades normally relaxed and down to earth nature, I could tell he was absolutely livid on the inside.
I looked over to Sirius as he purposely took his time standing, clearly just to annoy his Queen rival. But despite his frustration, I felt bad for him. He really was at the beck and call of Jonah..and the elder Clemence was literally milking it for all it was worth; after all, it had been going on for almost a half an hour by now.

I quickly stood up with a nervous smile.

"Uh-uhh its okay Sirius! I'll get them this time!" I piped up softly, trying to relieve poor Sirius. His bright purple eyes blinked in surprise at me, and I quickly went to turn and dash into the kitchen.

But was immediately stopped.

"No." Jonah had grabbed onto my wrist and held me in position. I turned back, watching him as he stirred the four sugar cubes in his tea with a silver spoon.

"Sirius can go. After all, the King of Spades said he would get me whatever I wanted." The Red Queen turned to me, smirking cooly. His bright eyes were clearly entertained.

"It's okay Kelly." Sirius' deep voice rang in from behind me. I felt his hands softly rest on my shoulders, calming my awkwardness as the two Queen's bickered back and forth.

"I've got it. Do you need anything else? Some more tea perhaps?"

Jonah turned back to his tea and let go of my hand, giving Sirius an awkward side glare. Meanwhile, I looked down at my tea cup beside him and saw it truly was empty.

I turned my head up to smile at Sirius behind me.

"Y-Yes please!" The two of us beamed at eachother, before the Queen of Spades turned away and sauntered into the kitchen.

The silence between Jonah and I didn't last long. He continued to stir his tea, which by now surely was mostly all sugar.

"You guys seriously need a new decorator in here.." I couldn't help the deadpan stare that befell my face as the Queen of Hearts looked curiously around the dining room.

"It's so dark and gloomy...it looks like a dungeon..."

I didn't even know what to say. I opened my mouth to respond, but suddenly the loud whinnying of a horse galloping dangerously fast made me hesitate. Jonah and I both looked towards the window to see a Black Army soldier racing as fast as he could through the courtyard.

I stood up.

"Thats weird..."


In mere minutes, I could hear him running down the hall. Jonah and I both curiously stood up and opened the dining room door, peaking out into the corridor. Ray had already met him before he got too far.

"He-he's gone Sir!"

Gin was panting heavily, and I could see the sweat dripping from his face. His dark brown eyes were panicked.

"Gin, calm down. Just take a breath.." Ray placed a comforting hand on his old friends shoulder, trying to will him to relax before he caused himself any harm.

Possession: A Luka Clemence X MC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now