3: Intruder

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I shouldn't have even been nervous about moving to the new house.

It was going on hour 3 of Blanc and I sitting at the dining table, talking about all sorts of subjects as we sipped tea and finished off the entire cheesecake. We reminisced as if we were old friends, talking about the history of Cradle, the politics, hidden places I had to travel to, and even certain recipes that this fairytale wonderland was known for. Who knew pistachio scones were one of their specialties.

The ornate grandfather clock that ticked back and forth in the corner of the room began to chime, inturrupting our chatter. It signalled midnight. Blanc took out his pocket watch to verify the time.

"Wow, it really is midnight." He pushed his glasses up a little more on his nose.

I suddenly felt a wave of fatigue hit me and instinctively yawned.

"Oh dear Kelly, you should be going to bed." The White Rabbit noticed my yawn and frowned. I was about to protest, but he stood up casually before I could. "Besides, I have some errands to run with Oliver tomorrow morning. So I best be getting to bed myself."

I decided not to push the subject of staying up further. I stood up from my chair and helped him collect the plates.

"I agree.. it is getting late. But..." I looked around for a moment.

"Where is Oliver? I haven't seen him at all tonight.."

Blanc continued collecting the plates. He shrugged mildly. "He's probably still working in his study. He tends to focus better at night."

I nodded and collected the tea kettle, following my friend into the kitchen. After setting our tableware down in the sink, I opened the fridge. I noticed a sandwich that was wrapped up..

"Uh, Blanc?"

The White Rabbit had been babbling on about how the house would be much more lively now that they had company. He was beaming joyfully.

"Ah, yes?"

I picked up the sandwich.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. But I know Luka hasn't eaten and.."

"Our food is your food. Go ahead. Take a thermos with tea in it for him also." Blanc smiled and went to fetch a thermos for the leftover tea. I smiled gratefully. I could only guess how tired Luka was by now, running rounds all night so far.

The two of us said our goodnights, and I put on my shoes and stepped out into the dark night with food in hand. I lived in a more secluded area now, with less streetlights, so the stars shone brightly overhead.

I looked around and caught sight of Luka sitting against a tree, his sword and scabbard leaning against his shoulder. As I approached, I noticed something.

He was sleeping...

His long lashes rested against his cheeks, and his face was comfortable and innocent. I felt bad that I had to wake him. "Luka..." I kneeled down beside my sleeping security guard and placed the plate and thermos beside me. The Jack didn't stir a single bit.

"Luka, hey.." I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and shook him lightly. He stirred, and his eyes opened sleepily.


"I...wondered if maybe you were hungry..."

His eyes looked up at me in naive confusion, then spotted the food.

"That looks...good.." Luka rubbed his eyes. I smiled and held the food out to him.

"You've worked hard today. Please eat."

Possession: A Luka Clemence X MC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now