Discovering Cribs

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"Alright Mal come on it's bed time let's go," Evie told the hyper toddler when the others were all getting up as it was getting late. Mal just ignored her as she continued to bang on the table with her tiny hands and sing as if she was in her own make belief band.

"Noo I no wanna sweep. I wanna pway," the hyper toddler told her sister. Evie just rolled her eyes with a smile as she picked up the hyper girl anyway and began to walk out of the dining hall. Ignoring the screaming and crying from Mal as she didn't want to leave.

"Noo I no wanna weabe. I wike it dere," Mal screamed as she kept trying to reach back for the dinning hall.

"Don't worry Mal we can go back in the morning, but right now we need to go back to our dorm. It's late and we can't stay in there forever," Evie told the crying girl trying to calm her and get her to stop throwing a tantrum.

"Otay, but I no cawy. I wanna wawk. I big giwl," she told her sister as she wanted to prove that she wasn't a baby and that she could walk on her own.

Evie just smiled at her stubborn sister as she placed her on the ground and let her walk for the rest of the way.

When they reached the dorm Evie noticed that there were some new things in the room for instance Mal's bed was now a crib. There wasn't much change other than that though and she figured that Fairy Godmother had probably found Jane's old crib that Mal could use temporarily until they had time to get actual supplies. She also noticed a small box of old baby girl clothes that she assumed used to be Jane's. Evie knew that she was still going to need to get more items, but for now at least she had the necessities like clothes and a crib.

Evie laughed when Mal pointed to the crib and asked why her bed got smaller as she was too young to understand that Fairy Godmother had gotten rid of her old bed.

"Mal it's not smaller that's just a new bed. It's called a crib and that's where you're going to sleep for a bit," Evie told the confused toddler.

The tiny girl just stared at the strange new bed as she didn't like it. It looked scary and it wasn't purple, it was just a plain light brown color. Mal didn't want to sleep in that thing.

"It scawy. An it no pupwel. I no wanna sweep dere no make me sweep dere pwese," Mal told her older sister as she continued to point at the strange new bed with bars that she was being forced to sleep in.

Evie couldn't help but smile at how adorable the confused toddler looked as she kept looking at the crib as if it was some scary prison cell.

"Mal it's not scary. It's safe and that's where you are going to sleep because it's dangerous for you to be sleeping in the other bed. You are too small to be sleeping in your old bed. Trust me you are going to like this new bed and I'll tell you what if you sleep in it tonight then tomorrow I will take you to get purple sheets for it and some toys since I have to go to the store tomorrow anyway to get some supplies,"she told her little sister as she was hoping that would calm her nerves and that Mal would agree to sleep in the crib because Mal was too small for a bed even a toddler bed would be too big as Mal was like the size of a one year old even though she was two years old.

Mal just looked at her sister as she smiled. "Wewly? Otay I sweep in dat. I wan twoys," Mal told her with a smile as she began to jump up and down with the idea of getting toys to play with and decorating her crib with purple as purple was her favorite color.

Evie just started laughing at her hyper and excited sister as she walked over to the box of old clothes and found a cute purple onesie that would be a little big, but it was all she had for now as she didn't have time to sew any clothes as it was late and they were going to the store tomorrow anyway. She also noticed that Fairy Godmother had included diapers in the stack.

She grabbed the diaper and the PJs and she walked over to the tiny girl who was sitting on the floor and pointing to the Tv and screaming at it as it was off and she wanted it on, but she didn't know how to turn it on.

"On I wan supa why. Tuwn on. Pway Supa weadweas," the girl screamed at the Tv causing Evie to laugh more and roll her eyes at how adorable Mal was being. The poor toddler actually thought that she could get the Tv to turn on by just screaming at it to.

"Mal the Tv isn't going to turn on from you screaming at it and besides it's bedtime you can watch TV tomorrow," Evie told the upset girl as she picked her up and began to walk towards the bathroom so that she could bathe her and change her into her pjs for bed.

"I no wanna baf. I no wanna sweep. I wan tebe. I no sweepy," the toddler practically screamed as she began to kick in Evie's arms, but Evie just ignored the girl as she continued to walk to the bathroom with her.

After about an hour Evie had managed to get Mal bathed and changed. Mal was still upset as she didn't want to sleep, but she eventually gave in and allowed Evie to bathe her and change her.

When she was done she picked up the toddler and tried to place her in the crib. Mal just started at it in shock and fear. She didn't want to sleep in it. It was even more scary up close. Mal began to cry as she held on tighter to Evie.

"It scawy I no wanna sweep dere. I no wike dat," she cried as she pointed to the bars on the crib. Evie just sighed as she began to bounce the toddler a bit as she tried to soothe her.

"Mal the bars are there for protection and this is just another bed. It's not going to hurt you in fact it's going to do the opposite it's going to keep you safe. Just think of it as your own safe box that no one can get past. The only people who can get to you in your crib are me, Carlos, and Jay, your older siblings," she told the frightened toddler in a calm and gentle voice as she was trying to soothe her and convince her to sleep in the crib again as she was still afraid to sleep in the crib and Evie wouldn't feel comfortable with putting Mal in a bed that would be way too big for her.

"Ebie You pomise cwib sabe?" Mal asked as she looked at Evie with puppy dog eyes as she was still scared, but she trusted her big sister.

Evil smiled as she responded to the young girl. "Yes Mal I promise that your crib is safe. So are you ready to use the crib now?" Evie asked the girl. She smiled more when Mal nodded as she placed Mal into the crib.

Mal began to smile and laugh as she started to bounce around in the crib as she held onto the side of it. She was now feeling safe with the crib and it was fun to bounce around in it. "Wee I wub dis," Mal screamed as she was enjoying bouncing around and playing in her new crib. Evie laughed at the hyper girl as she knew that she should probably tell her to stop, but right now Mal was learning to enjoy the crib which is what she needed from Mal.

After a few minutes of letting Mal bounce around in the crib Evie knew that she needed to stop it as it was getting even later now and if she didn't get Mal into bed soon then Mal would be super cranky in the morning. Plus if she didn't stop her soon Mal would also grow a habit of bouncing in her crib which she didn't want as that was not something she wanted Mal doing as it could be one dangerous and two it would keep the toddler awake and it could lead to Mal figuring out how to get out which would be bad especially with how curious and explorative Mal is. Little Mal loves getting into trouble and adventures the same as how she used to be do when she was older.

"Okay Mal that's enough. It's time to sleep for real now and I don't want to see you bouncing in the crib anymore. The crib isn't made for bouncing it's made for sleeping," Evie told the bouncing girl and she was surprised when Mal didn't object to going to sleep.

"Otay I sweepy now. Nigh Nigh Ebie I wob you," Mal told her as she stopped bouncing and started to lay down in the crib. Evie smiled back at her sister "Night Mal I love you too," she told the toddler as she tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead. She smiled when a few seconds later Mal was out as she clung to the covers.

Evie just smiled as she watched the sleeping toddler. Then she decided to get some homework done before she went to sleep too as tomorrow would be a busy day and she would barely have any time to do her work. After about an hour or two of doing her homework she got into her bed to sleep as she was exhausted from the long day. She just sighed as she got into bed and drifted off to sleep just knowing that tomorrow was going to be another big adventure.

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