~ chap 49 ~

504 17 7


Mackenzie Ziegler is now backstage, of her last performance for her solo world tour 2020. She is getting ready for her tour and she couldn't wait to perform. Although she's pregnant, she wasn't going to overexert herself.

'Kenz?' Lauren asks, knocking on the door.

'Yes? Come in Lolo.' Mackenzie replies, fixing her hair.

'They're ready for you.' Lauren says, and Mackenzie gets off her chair, and heads to the door.

'Remember to go slow alright? You're gonna have your second, I mean third child soon.' Lauren reminds Mackenzie,, and she nods.

'Hey everyone!' Mackenzie says excitedly as she goes on stage, and the fans go wild.

'Haha. This first song, is my new single which will be released soOn probably a week after this ends. Enjoy!' Mackenzie explains, grabbing her ukulele and sitting on a chair and she starts singing.

A few minutes passed by and now Mackenzie is about to perform her last song for this tour.

'Now everyone, I will sing what if by me and my wonderful husband but he's not here today so I will sing solo!' Mackenzie says, and she starts.

'Let's talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about.'
'Those kind of words that will change all the things we talk about.
'Tell me do you ever think of us?'
'Should I ask some more or should I stop?'

And the music actually stops. Mackenzie looks backstage and sees no one.

Everyone gets confused until the lights dim, and a figure goes to Mackenzie but she doesn't notice.

The lights go back on and the music plays. But when Mackenzie was going to sing again, Johnny starts singing.

Mackenzie and Johnny sing in harmony, and Mackenzie is still surprised that Johnny surprised her in her solo tour.

'I know, you know, what if I told you I like you?'
'We stay, we go, what if I told you I like you,'
'I know, you know, what if I told you I like you?'
'We stay, we go, what if I told you I like you?'

'Let's talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about.' Johnny sings the last part, and everyone goes wild.

Mackenzie falls in Johnny's arms, and his arms landed on Mackenzie's stomach lightly.

'I missed you so damn much.' Mackenzie whispers into his ear and pulls away.

'Let's make more noise for my beautiful wife!!' Johnny says in the microphone, and everyone goes even wilder.

'Thanks everyone for coming. Especially you John. This tour has been such an amazing one since I got to go all around the world to see you all! My new single will be released next week so pre-order now!' Mackenzie explains excitedly then she says bye to her fans and heads her way home with Johnny, Lauren and the whole gang.

'Did yall know about Johnny surprising me?' Mackenzie asks, curious as a six-year child would be.

Everyone nods, and Mackenzie snuggles with Johnny. She hasn't seen her husband in 9 freaking much and Mackenzie just realized how much she missed him.

Johnny's hand travels on her bump, soothing Mackenzie and comforting her.

'I missed you so much. You know that right?' Johnny whispers into Mackenzie's ear, kissing her hair. Mackenzie nods, blushing.

'Okay lovebirds break it up. We have officially arrived back home.' Lauren says, rolling her eye s and everyone chuckles.

Johnny helps Mackenzie down the car and she thanks the driver, and everyone unlocks the door and reveals Mer and Dale on the couch.

'Welcome home Kenziboo!' Dale says, hugging her gently.

'Omg Kenz! Your baby bump!' Mer says, putting her hand on it carefully.

'I know! This child is huge!' Mackenzie says chuckling as Johnny closes the door carefully.

The dogs come barking at Mackenzie, and she chuckles and Johnny grabs Leo and Ben and Mackenzie pats their hand and gives them forehead kisses and Johnny lets them play after.

'You should go get some rest honey. It's been a rough nine months. Since of the baby and tour.' Mer says softly, and everyone says goodnight to each other and they finally tuck into bed.

'Kenz?' Johnny says, looking at Mackenzie.

'Hm?' She says softly, exhaustion obvious in her voice.

'I love you so much.' Johnny says softly, and he blushes like crazy.

'I love you so much too.' Mackenzie says, and they drifted to sleep peacefully.

'AHHHHHHH!' Mackenzie screams, making Johnny opens his eyes rapidly.

'What happened Kenz?' Johnny asks, hoping it's not what he thought it was since it was three in the morning.

'My water broke John!' Mackenzie replies rapidly, screaming.

Mer knew what was happening,so she turned on the car's engine and all Johnny and Mackenzie had to do was hop on and Mer stepped on the pedal, driving past the speed limit but no one cared cause it was three in the morning anyway.

'Just wait a lil more sweetheart. It'll be alright.' Mer says, trying to comfort Mackenzie.

Mackenzie does her breathing exercises, trying to stay calm.

They finally reach the hospital and Johnny carries Mackenzie quickly to the front desk, and the woman knew exactly what to do.

'Wait out here sir.' she says, and Johnny nods, understanding.

Johnny and Mer wait patiently outside the operation room, worried.

'You two may come in now.' The woman says softly, exhausted since it was so early in the morning.

'Here. Take some money and go get something to eat or drink.' Johnny offers, and the woman says thanks in repky, heading to the cafe.

Johnny follows his mom in the room, hearing a baby boy crying.

Johnny starts crying too, heading to Mackenzie and sees his exhausted wife with their new baby boy,

Alexander Potts Ziegler (ik it's a weird name don't judge😂)

oof this was the longest ass chap i've written in a while. sorry it took a while for this to be posted lmao school has been really rough.

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