~ Chapter 21 ~

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Two days later.....

It's been a two days since I left John. Well, technically I stayed outside of our home since I had nowhere to go since Annie lives an hour away. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I drifted to sleep since I wasn't sleeping all this time.


It's been two days since Kenzie left and Lauren was going to stay until yesterday but then Kenzie left so Lauren decided to live in a month. Right now, we're sitting on the couch, watching Stranger Things.

"John, you have to go to your recording today." Lauren says.

"How do you know about my schedule?" I ask her, confused.

"Well, you like to keep a calendar in your room and you write what you're going to do in a specific day," Lauren answers me.

"But Kenz-" I say but Lauren interrupted me.

"Look Johnny, you have to go be successful for your wife, your children and for yourself's sake." She says then I nod, indicating that she proved a point. I took a quick shower then put on a hoodie with jeans and put on my Converse. I head downstairs then Lauren hugs me.

"Goodluck out there brother." She whispers into my chest and I hug her back.

"Thanks Lauren," I whisper to her blond hair. I let go of the hug.

"I gotta go Lauren," I say then she nods, heading to the guest room where she has been staying all this time. I open the door then I felt a huge lump fell to my feet. At first I thought it was just piles of mail but then when I looked down I saw a sleeping Kenzie. Has she been here all this time? I saw she was in a deep sleep so I carry her in a bridal style way then carry her to our bedroom. I kiss her forehead then I left a note on Lauren's room about Kenzie then hop onto the car then drive to the studio. I got a call from Kenz and I's manger.

"Hello sir." I say formally.

"Hello John. You know you can just call me Michael right? Anyways, are you coming to today's recording session?" Michael asks and I told him I will be running late.

"Okay. I'll see you soon," he says then ends the call.



I wake up in a bedroom then realize it was John and I's room. I checked the digital clock. I've been sleeping for so long. I took a shower then wore a tank top and short shorts I got in John and I's walk-in closet. I head quietly to the baby room cause I didn't want Lauren to know that I was here. As soon as I saw my two kids, I immediately smiled at them. I carried Xaria with one arm and Isaak with the other then played with them for a little while.

"Hey kids.... I'm sorry for not being with you for a while. I, it was a long story. I promise that your father and I will make up okay? I love him with all my heart and I love you both too," I say, kissing their foreheads. I honestly don't know why I said half of those things even though they don't know what's going on. I fed them breast milk which honestly was so hard then I saw Lauren outside the room.

"L-l-lauren?" I stutter then tears form in my eyes.

"Kenzie....... How I missed you." She says then we hug instantly. We start to cry on each other's shoulders then I hear a voice by the stairs. Lauren and I let go of each other.

"What's all the commotion up-" John says then as soon as I saw him, I immediately ran down the stairs then hugged him. I missed him so much that I just had to hug him. Even though we were technically on a break I just had to.

"I'll give you two some space." Lauren says, heading to the baby room while I hug John tightly.

"I'm sorry for everything John.... It's all my fault," I whisper into his chest, crying. He lets go of me gently but keeps his hands on my shoulders, looking at my face with tears in my eyes.

"Don't say that..... It wasn't anyone's fault....." He says, wiping my tears with his thumb. I stay silent.

"Look Kenzie.... I know we're on a break but-" he says but I interrupt him with a quick peck on the cheek.

"Let's stop this little break. I can't take it anymore." I say, smiling.

"There's that cute smile of yours." He says, hugging me tightly then kissing me. Then he carried me back to our room then we had the greatest night I've ever had with him.

Sorry if this was boring and I'm sorry for not updating this story often. I'll TRY to update regularly how I do it with my IG (btw it's @kfzstan_) Anyways hoped you guys had a great day and love y'all!

~ JC 🎀 🎀 ~

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