~ chap 40 ~

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'How've you been dear?' Mer asks me, holding onto my hand and tears start forming in my eyes but I hold it in.

'I've..... I've been great!' I say, lying. Although John's parents knew about my mom dead and my dad kidnapped, I couldn't show the pain cause I didn't want them having pity on me. It just makes me feel bad.

'Oh, here's a gift from LA.' Mer replies, giving me a bag. I shakily and slowly grab the thing out of the bag then start to cry. It was a picture of my mom, Maddie and I. There was a letter and a journal.

'It was a present for you for your 19th birthday next year. But, of course...' Mer says, and I immediately start to cry as I opened the letter. John places his hand on my thigh, and I put my head on his shoulder. I read the letter aloud.

'Dear Mackenzie, Happy nineteenth birthday! I love you so much and I decided to give you this journal in where you can write your thoughts in it. You're turning older and I know that you have a lot in your chest. This journal is for you to pour your heart out every day in. I hope you will have a great nineteenth! Love, mom.' I say, tears flowing out like a water fall.

Mer and Dale stands up to leave but I call out Mer's name and they both stop.

'Yes dear?' She asks softly.

'Where..... Where did you find this?' I ask her, trying not to break in front of them.

'When it was your mother's death, we were looking through her stuff that we could salvage for you. And we found that. We'll leave you two to talk.'She replies, smiling softly then heading out.

As soon as the door closes, John put his arms around me and immediately hugged me tight.

He usually knew when I needed a hug badly that I didn't need to ask him. I cry into his chest, trying not to wake up the kids. John pats my back and his shirt gets soaked. I pull away from his embrace.

'What's wrong?' John asks, and I can tell he immediately regrets asking. He usually doesn't ask cause he knows already.

'I'm sorry... don't ans-' He starts but I just giggle I wipe my tears, plaster a smile on my face then head out of the room. I look back then John shrugs, running to me and grabbing my hand then we head out of the room and we hang out in the living room with the family.

We just talked about what's happening in our lives. And for once, I forgot about my worries.

I forgot about my mom.

I forgot about Kurt.

I forgot about the tour.

And just focused on the present.

My family.

Sorry if this was boring! haha hoped you loved it though!

~ JC 🎀 🎀 ~

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