~ Chapter 31 ~

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I see John walking out and I immediately start crying. He must be disappointed in me. I see Hayden walk in and he runs to me.

"Hey, what happened?" He asks me, wiping my tears and I told him what happened.

"I... I feel like I let him down Hayden.... I just don't know what to do anymore....." I say, looking down.

"I'll look for him." Hayden says and he immediately leaves before I could say anything.


I ran out of the room and looked all over for Johnny. Then after half an hour, I found him, sitting down alone smoking a cigarette. I sit beside him and he got frightened.

"It's just me." I start, chuckling awkwardly. John steps on his cigarette and I sigh.

"Look Johnny, we both know that we hate each other but, for Kenzie's sake, we have to get along. And, just saying, Kenzie is crying." I explain, which makes Johnny stand up.

"What the fuck did you do to her Hayden?!" Johnny yells, making people turn their head.

"Johnny.... Let me explain first. Okay?" I say softly, which makes him sit down. He sighs.

"I'm sorry.... It's just... Mackenzie is my love. And if anything happens to her, I will never last a second. Even if she doesn't love me anymore, at least she's happier." John says, tearing up but he wipes his tears.

"Are you kidding me Johnny?! Kenzie is in love with you! When I was taking care of her when you were in jail, she kept talking about you! She was so worried that you weren't going to survive in there. And don't let me remind you how many fucking times she asked me if she could visit you everyday." I say, making Johnny and I laugh uncontrollably.

"Can't you see Johnny Vincent Orlando? She's in love with you. And if you aren't in room 204, then Kenzie will be heartbroken." I continue then Johnny stands up then heads to 204 and I follow him.



I finally stopped crying and the door opens.

"Johnny?" I ask and all I see is Hayden and I sigh. I look down and Hayden smiles at me. Someone touches my chin softly, making me look up and see the love of my life:  Johnny. And I smile uncontrollably.

"Where did you find him?" I ask Hayden, turning giddy and Hayden heads to the kids and take care of them.

"I saw him at a bench, smoking." Hayden says, changing Xaria and Isaak's diapers and I look at Johnny sadly.

"You... You said you stopped smoking." I stutter, tearing up again. Johnny holds my hand and I push his hand away.

"Johnny...." I say.

"Kenzie... I'm sorry.... It's just.... I was upset okay?" He says sympathetically and Hayden heads out to 'take the kids to fresh air' even though I know he just wants to avoid Johnny and I from arguing.

"Johnny..... Can't you just quit? Quit for me. Xaria. How about Isaak?" I ask him and he puts his hand on my cheek then kisses me. I kiss back of course cause I still love him. I'm just disappointed. I let go.

"Do you forgive me now Kenzie?" He whispers and I nod. Then the doctor comes in.

"Am I interrupting something?" The doctor asks and I shake my head.

"No. What's up doc?" I ask him, all giddy again.

"Well, we did some blood tests on Mr. Orlando and Mr. Summerall and I have the results." The doctor explains.

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