~ Chapter 18 ~

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Hey guys! Before I start chapter 18, I just wanted to say that this chapter is dedicated to jenziexfanfics . The books she makes are so fucking good! You should check her out!

~ JC 🎀 🎀 ~

Two weeks later.....


It's been two fucking weeks since I've been taken away from my love, Johnny Vincent Orlando. It's been two fucking weeks since I haven't been eating or even been drinking water. I've been feeling so much pain in this stupid warehouse. Isaak's been hurting me so fucking much since I got here. He's apparently keeping John updated with what's happening to me. Isaak comes into the room then smirks at me.

"You bitch. Let me out of this stupid place," I said, between me feeling the pain all over my body.

"I'll let you out. If, Johnny just does his job," he answers, chuckling. I pause for a little while.

"What did I do wrong to you Isaak?" I asked him. He stops chuckling.

"What do you mean bitch?" He asks me.

"I mean, what lead you to dragging me away from Johnny?" I asked then he comes to me. He sits on the bed, leaving a distance between us. He sighs.

"I've always been in many people's shadows. But when I met John, he.... He didn't let anyone stay in the dark. He let me have his moment and let me have mine every time we work together. But ever since you came to the picture with the whole wedding thing, all he could talk about is his new life with you," he says.

"Isaak..... I didn't know you felt that way.... I'm sorry I made you feel like this," I say to him.


It's been two whole fucking weeks without Kenzie in my arms. I miss her so fucking much. Maddie and Kurt moved to my family's house back in LA since they lost their old house since Melissa died. I've been so unfocused with work without Kenzie. My sister, Lauren stayed with me for these weeks since she was so fucking worried about me.

"Kenzie come back into my arms," I say to myself.

"Kenzie, please," I say then Lauren hears me. She sees me cry on the couch then comes to me then gives me a tight hug.

"John," she whispers into my ear. We stay like that for hours until the kids started to cry. Lauren told me she'll attend to the kids then take a nap. I nod then stay on the couch, looking through old pics of me and Kenzie together.


Isaak finishes his little rant and I listened. Even though he sort of kidnapped me here, it was because he was jealous. And I could kind of relate to him. After him ranting to me, he looks at me in my teary eyes then starts crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him sympathetically.

"It's just.... I feel bad now," he says, and he starts to unchain me from the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm letting you go," he says and my jaw drops. He helps me to his minivan but then Hayden sees us in the parking lot.

"Where are you bringing her sir?" He asks.

"We have to let her go Hayden." Isaak answers, wiping his tears then brings me to the passenger seat.

"I'll come with you," Hayden says then Isaak nods, heading into the driver's seat. Hayden stays at the back. The drive to John's house was quiet and awkward.

At John's house....

We arrive at the driveway of the house and I immediately cry. I remember the fight Hayden and John had right outside the house. Isaak sees me crying then he wipes my tears.

"You okay?" He asks me and I nod.

"Just happy tears," I lied. I lied because Hayden was at the back and I didn't want to make things worse.

He nods then gets out of the minivan to help me out. Hayden decided to follow. Isaak rings the doorbell then John answers it. As soon as he saw me, he started to cry. I go to John then hug him. He helps me to balance myself so I won't fall.

"You....." John says coldly to Hayden. I knew he was going to throw a punch to Hayden but then he looked at me. Then he stopped. He looked at Isaak then he let them come in. John puts me on his lap on the couch then the Isaak and Hayden sit down on the couch as well. Isaak explains to him what happened to me.

A few minutes later.....

Isaak finishes explaining then John pauses for a while.

"Isaak..... HOW COULD YOU?!" John yells then Isaak looks down to his lap.

"Uh... I'll meet you in the minivan Isaak," Hayden says then heads to the minivan.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE THERE FOR ME!" John yells again then I hold his hand. He looks at in the eyes then calms down.

"Okay Isaak. How about this? I'll let this slide for Kenzie's sake, but we won't work together until I made my final decision," John says and Isaak thanks him then leaves. I get out of John's lap then sit down beside him on the couch.

"Why didn't you do it?" I asked him. I knew he was confused. He looks at the bruises and cuts around my body.

"I'm fine John. Just a little bit of pain but I'm fine. So, why didn't you punch them?" I ask them then he looks at his hands.

"Because, two weeks ago, I had that fight with Hayden. It hurt you a lot to see me in a violent way then I realize that I needed to change. I needed change my attitude." He explains and I hug him. He hugs back but carefully.

"You know how much I love you Kenzie. I would change my face if you wanted me to," he whispers into my ear.

I know this chapter was boring(probably) but I have honestly no more ideas so I'll finish this book soon!

~ JC 🎀 🎀 ~

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