~ chap 42 ~

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'He lost a lot of blood and needs a blood donor. Luckily, someone came at the right time and he is in the operating room currently. The person who is giving his blood already paid for the hospital bill.' The officer explains, making Johnny and Mackenzie's eyes widened.

Mackenzie's tears slowly flows out of her eyes, making her look down to her lap as she was embarrassed to let the officer see her cry.

Johnny looks to his wife and sees her crying. His heart starts to swell and he slowly frowns. He grabs Mackenzie's hands and squeezes it. Mackenzie wipes her tears and looks back up with a smile on her face, which makes Johnny smile as wider as her.

'Can... can I wait at the hospital?' Mackenzie asks the officer, holding back the tears and the officer nods.

'Thanks sir. We really appreciate it.' Johnny says, smiling then taking Mackenzie's hand and they head out.

Johnny opens the passenger side door and Mackenzie hops in. Johnny runs to the driver side then he starts the engine then steps on the gas.

'Hey, how are you?' Johnny asks, trying to clear the air.

'I.... I don't know? Scared? Worried? Happy?' Mackenzie replies, looking down at her lap. Johnny looks at her for a second then he looks back on the road.

'Don't worry Mackenzie. Your father will be fine. Have faith in him.' Johnny reassures Mackenzie, and she simply wipes her tears.

'I do.... but.... he's my only father left.... after mom divorced with Hunter, we didn't respect him as a father..... after.... after what he did to us....' Mackenzie says coldly, while Johnny parks in the parking lot of the hospital.

'You can go ahead hun. I have to talk to Lauren.' Johnny says, kissing Mackenzie's forehead then she nods, hopping off the Range Rover and heading inside the hospital.

'Hello Mrs. Orlando. Here for Kurt yes?' The woman at the front desk says, and Mackenzie nods slowly.

'Alright! He's in the operation room so just sit over there and I'll call you if anything happens okay?' The woman says softly, then Mackenzie thanks her then she sits down, trying not to breakdown.

with johnny

'Hey Lauren.' Johnny says through the phone, looking down on the floor, and kicking a few rocks.

'Hey John. How're things going?' Lauren asks, and Johnny explains everything that has happened to Kurt.

'Awwwwwww I hope my baby is okay..... so what do you want me to do?' Lauren asks, and Johnny rolls his eyes.

'One, she's my baby, and two, I honestly don't know..... I haven't seen Mackenzie break down like this before.., so I don't really know what to do.' Johnny answers his sister, putting his free hand into his jeans pocket.

'It's alright... she doesn't show her feelings to a lot of people.... but she has done a lot to me. So I know what to do.' Lauren says, and Johnny raises his eyebrow.

'What do you mean? Tell me what to do!' Johnny exclaims, and Lauren chuckles.


thanks again for 40 followers! this is so insane! lygsm! ❤️❤️


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