~ chap 38 ~

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(thousand years is my favorite song to this fucking day. it makes me cry every time i hear the intro and yeah. let's start this chap!)


I hop in the Range Rover and Johnny starts the car and I continue to wipe tears that were flowing down slowly and then John stops in a garden looking place with flowers everywhere and there was a lake. It was already late at night and the sound of the lake was beautiful. The lake was shining under the stars and Johnny smiles at me.

'John..... This.... This is beautiful.' I say, hugging him.

'Thanks..... This used to be the place where I go to alone when I was feeling down. But I brought you here cause you were feeling down.' He replies, letting go of me and sitting down on the grass and I do as well.

'Why did you bring me here?' I ask him, and he plays with his hair.

'I brought you here cause I needed you to get your mind off Kurt. Yes, I know you miss him but so do Maddie, Lauren and I. We'll find Kurt soon enough. The police are looking through it. Trust me Kenzie. We'll find him.' Johnny explains, and I kiss him on the cheek.

'Thanks John. This really means a lot to me. You know that don't you right?' I ask him, and he nods.

We've been talking about random shit then my phone suddenly rings.

'Hold on Johnny.' I say, and he nods, heading back to the car and starts the engine. I follow then head to the car and I answer the call. It was Maddie.

'Hello?' I say into the phone and I immediately hear whispers.

'Mackenzie where the fuck are you and John?!' She yells into the phone and I roll my eyes.

'We just went outside for some fresh air Maddie. Calm the fuck down. What's happening?' I reply, and John parked at the garage.

'We've arrived Maddie. Now tell me what the fuck is happening?' I say, opening the front door with John behind me.

'The police found a trace on dad.' She replies, and my eyes widened then I immediately open the door and it reveals Maddie and Lauren in the living room. Maddie ends the call and I explain to John in what's happening.

'They found a trace on father?!' Johnny exclaims, and I nod.

'What was the trace Lauren?' I ask her, and she tells me to sit on the couch.

'They found out that Kurt is in the old abandoned warehouse down the street. But they can't get to it cause they saw bombs all over the place so we're gonna try to save your dad tomorrow.' Lauren explains, and I almost fainted.

Trying to do a spam cause why not?

~ JC 🎀 🎀 ~

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘛𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 !Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя