Trouble Knocks

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"Deep purple and lilac for the walls?"

Halima shook her head. She wanted something richer. She placed her phone between her shoulder and her ear so she could listen as she performed her ablution.

"No. I want Byzantium and lilac for the receiving room. It's the main colors of the salon's logo. I want that incorporated." The Interior Decorator hummed quietly, shuffling some papers.

"How about the pedicure bowls? In that same color?" Halima tilted her head in thought before replying.

"No. I want some gold accents in the salon. So, the pedicure taps will serve as the gold accents." Just as Halima finished speaking, the adhaan for Zuhr sounded.

"Let's talk later, I need to pray Zuhr." She set her phone down and completed her ablution, reciting the words of the adhaan solemnly.

As she stepped into the mosque, she prayed. "Ya Allah, help your servant make this decision. I've left it all in your hands."

It had been a long month since Salisu's mother handed her the letter and Halima's life had been turned upside down. She tried not to let it affect her work to opening the salon but, life happened many times. Such that Summayah had to take over for a few days. Talk to vendors over the phone and send mails.

Salisu's mother called her every week, trying to remind her to make the right decisions. She could not tell her father, and she feared everyday that Salisu's mother would take the drastic step of calling her father's attention to the matter. Then it would get out of hand.

She could not even tell Summayah or her sisters or her biggest confidante; her mother. No one knew the outcome of going to see Salisu's mother. And she planned to keep it that way. But the thoughts of it kept her awake at night, pulled her in deep thought after her prayers, she feared what giving birth to Salisu's child would mean for her.

It would spell doom. Or Joy.

After praying Zuhr, she set out to pick up Jariyah and Lubna from their grandparents home for a movie and Ice Cream date.

At the gate of their house, she greeted the security men absentmindedly. At the door when she knocked was an excited Jariyah who launched into her arms immediately the door opened.

"Missed us?" Halima quickly went down to her level and said "Too much to count." Halima watched as the little girl wound her arms about her neck, clearing her mind of all thought.

"I'm all dressed up. Miss Maryam is dressing up Lubby." Halima nodded and carried Jariyah with an a moan. She had gained some weight and grown taller during the month she had seen them last.

"So, what are we seeing?" Halima set Jariyah down and began to repack her hair. She never saw hair in disarray and her hands didn't itch to repack it. It was logged in her DNA.

"Frozen." Halima replied Jariyah as she set her curls aright. Jariyah turned her efforts to naught as she screamed and jigged her feet right there in front of Halima.

"Thank you so much!" Halima smiled, mirroring what her emotions had been in nearly a month. Jariyah's excitement spurred her into bringing out her smart phone for a selfie.

So, Jariyah who had been perched on a side table all along, clambered to stand beside her. Her sneakers rested on the arm of the sofa. After clicking a few pictures, Halima distributed. One, to Summayah, the other to Jamal as was her custom.

"Grandma is here." Jariyah, sensing the wrath of her grandmother jumped down from the arm of the sofa to the ground.

"Halima dear. " Halima walked to her and greeted Jamal's mother.

"You didn't even come see us all these while, you didn't miss us?" Halima ducked her head part shame and part mortification. She could not tell the older woman that the reason she hadn't visited was because she couldn't go against the wishes of her mother in law and she didn't want to run into Jamal.

"Or is it the opening of the salon that is giving you issues? Surely, the decorator is helping?" Halima could not reply Jamal's mother instead she chose to pay attention to Lubna who was climbing down the stairs.

"The decorator helps a lot ma. Thank you for suggesting her. And she was within my budget." Jamal's mother nodded and faced the television blaring a cartoon.

"You can stay as long as you like. I'd love some peace and quiet here too." Halima laughed quietly and collected a small day bag that contained spare clothes for Lubna, water and wipes from their new nanny, Maryam.

"Allah Hafiz oo." Halima muttered an Ameen and picked Lubna up and walked out of the door, Jariyah skipping behind her.


"Good evening mama."

Salisu's mother opened the door for Halima and waved her in. Halima stepped in clutching her large Hijab. She'd gotten up from her Magrib prayer mat and walked to the house without a pause in her step.

"Have you decided?" Halima shook her head. The older woman hissed and walked to the nearest sofa to sink into the chair.

"So, why are you here? To decline?" Halima shook her head again.

"Why are you here?" Halima wiped her sweaty palms on her hijab, still standing. The sweat left a print on the mustard colored material.

"I came to ask for the number of the sperm bank clinic." Salisu's mother hissed.

"So, after a whole month? A whole month! You come here to ask for the number? Why are you wasting time?"

"I want to consult them first." Salisu's mother banged her fist on the coffee table making Halima jump.

"I'm lying then? Is that what you mean?" Halima shook her head. She was exasperated already, but, he had anticipated this.

"I just want to talk to a professional. That's all." The older woman picked a stainless cup with half drunk sachet water and flung it in Halima's direction. Halima ducked, but she couldn't stop the water from spraying on her.

"You're mad. You're stark raving mad. Just get out of my house. You fool. No wonder you got raped. You're so slow at everything.  Useless good for nothing." She stepped past Halima to wrench open the door and waved her out.

"Get out!" Halima stepped out slowly, defeated. She had not come there to fight, she had not even expected it to escalate to that level. So she sunk down at one of the flowerbeds and cried.

She cried for the day she was forcefully raped by people who swore to protect citizens, she cried for the fact that nobody would believe her and most of all, she cried for herself for she was the pitiest of all.


Hello y'all.

Good morning. Welcome to a new week. May it turn out beautifully for all of us.

So, pleaseeeee. Leave comments. Thank you for the comments in the last chapter. I'm grateful.

See y'all soon.


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