Leaving London

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"What was the outcome of your meeting?"

Halima shifted a skirt she was sitting on and threw it to the mound of the clothes on the bed before replying.

"She said Jariyah just needs to move a class ahead." She heard Jamal sigh over the phone. Then the  shuffling sound of some papers.

"I don't want to be the father that raises an anti-social child." Halima got up and picked out a gown to fold, holding her phone between her ear and shoulder.

"Would you explain?" Halima asked and set the gown in a part of her suitcase. More shuffling of papers came from Jamal's end.

"Summayah flew through her classes. Literally spent only three and a half years in primary school. Father had to send her to a private boarding school in London to accommodate her smartness. But she returned so quiet, ready to give scathing remarks, sarcastic replies. I don't want that for Jariyah." Halima laid one hand on her folded clothes and asked him.

"Do you think Summayah hasn't turned out alright?" Jamal cleared his throat. "That's not what I mean. I want Jariyah to have friends, to be with people. You know, not to be intelligent and alone." Halima sighed again.

"You should ask her new school  in Abuja what they think about moving her a class further. It should an easy transition for her. Don't worry too much." Jamal replied with a thank you and asked about Lubna.

"Well, since she recovered from her cold, she's been fine. Keen on learning but not as much as Jariyah." Halima smiled remembering how Lubna would rather watch Sofia the First than learn her numbers.

"No two children are the same, that's for sure." Halima smiled and added another skirt to the folded pile in her case when the door opened and Summayah peeked in.

"Summayah is here. Want to speak to her?" Jamal breathed a no and said "I can call my sister whenever, the call was to talk to you and about my girls."

None of them knew how Summayah heard but Summayah screamed and clapped her hands at them. "So, you'd rather talk to Halima than me?"

Blotches of pink suddenly spread over Halima's fair cheeks and she shut her eyes in mortification. She hated more than anything to be put on the spot, so she quickly cut the call and turned to face Summayah.

"What was that  Summayah?" Summayah arched a full eyebrow at Halima before saying. "You're deceiving yourselves. So much for, 'I don't have time for a man right now'."

Halima didn't bother replying but she continued folding her clothes carefully. She separated her new clothes from her old ones and resolved to put them in a new suitcase.

"Aren't you going to reply me?" Halima turned and eyed Summayah who was sweating after running around trying to get Halima's attention.

"You're not the only one who can ignore people." She replied and walked out. Summayah laid back on Halima's bed and shook with silent laughter.


Halima set her boxes outside her room and went in to take a long look at the room she had stayed for the past two years, the room that had become a sort of haven for her.

She walked round the large airy room, throwing open the windows inspite of the air conditioning and looked outside to the patch of grass and beautiful house outside.

"Thinking of your love?" Halima shook her head and put a hand to her heaving chest in fear. It had taken her brain a few seconds to know it was Summayah.

"Summayah, do you want to kill me?" Summayah rolled her eyes and strolled to the made bed.

"I can't kill you. At least not until you're my sister." Halima bit her lip and decided to put to rest Summayah's talk, once and for all.

"I'm not going to be with your brother, I'm not ready. I don't want to. So, stop doing this thing." She wagged her index finger between them. Summayah shook her head in exasperation, trying to hold back the need to knock sense into her friend.

"Is there some problem with Jamal? Is it because he's a single father? But-" Summayah couldn't continue because Halima screamed her down.

"Stop this nonsense! Just stop it! Stop this madness." Halima sniffed. "You talk as if any man could ever want me after knowing all that I am and I have been through."

Summayah shook her head as she said. "But Jamal likes you. I know it." Halima blew her nose into a tissue Summayah passed to her.

"I don't want to be liked. I'm no one." Summayah rolled her eyes and changed the subject.

"Where's your business plan?" Halima looked around for the laptop Summayah gave her when she heard Halima was starting a business.

When the device was powered up, Halima opened her documents and found what she was looking for.

"Here." Summayah settled back on the pillows Halima had stacked and began to read while Halima packed her toiletries in the bathroom.

"Lee?" Halima's arched eyebrow was her answer.

"Lee? That's the best you could come up with?" Summayah smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I wanted something no one else would call you." Halima shook her head as she climbed the bed.  Summayah always did the most.

"The plan, Summayah?" Summayah nodded and set the laptop on a pillow between them.

"You said here that your price range for a space is two million per annum? And you have to pay for two years kn advance?" Halima nodded and began explaining why.

"The capital i have is about six million naira, converted in naira." Summayah clasped her hands, listening intently.

"So, I intend to rent the space till I can buy it. The space I found in Wuse is for sale. But they say I can rent it till I can pay for it." Summayah thoughtfully sighed.

"Why don't i buy the space." Halima goggled and Summayah nodded.

"Then you but it back from me when youre ready."

"That way, you're not dealing with any irrational landlord." Halima sunk back unto the bed and her mind worked the numbers.

Would it be a good fit?


"She came to ask for you twice. She kept bugging me asking if you are now married." Halima didn't reply, she hastily looked round the room instead to see if she had forgotten anything.

"When last did she call you?" Halima asked her mother absentmindedly.

"Yesterday morning. She said she has something very important to discuss with you." Halima stopped suddenly. She knew Salisu's mother, she would find a way to get to her.

"Tell her I'll see her when I return next week." Halima's mother hummed and asked when their flight was going to land.

"Today by four pm In Sha Allah. It's a private jet so, less stress." Her mother prayed for safe journey on her way home. She replied a loud Amen.

When she ended the call, she stood at the head of the stairs in deep thought.

What did Salisu's mother want again?



Here we are. We've set our ball rolling. 

How was it?

Talk to you all soon, I'll update soon.


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