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Ryan’s P.O.V:

One Year Later


Ryan was sitting on the couch watching TV while Addie and his mother were out doing whatever those two were doing at the moment. It’s been a year since Addie’s attack and since then they’ve both managed to graduate from high school, which was surprising seeing as how many days they missed due to everything what was going on in their lives.

They still were in a weird place after a year, but Ryan finally learned to accept that she just wasn’t ready to actually be that close to anyone yet. He honestly didn’t know if she would ever be, which made him really upset because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and she may not want the same thing.

He didn’t really know what to expect to happen when they went off to college. Ryan had already been accepted into and is planning on attending University of California Los Anglos… but the only problem in that was that he didn’t even know where Addie was planning on going. He didn’t want to be far from her.

In fact, he would love for her to go with him to UCLA, but what if she didn’t want that? What if this year basically apart gave her some perspective on what she wants in life? What if what she wants doesn’t include Ryan anymore? He didn’t know if he could survive hearing her turn him down on wanting to be together. He knew she knew where he was going, but he never really heard her talking about where she was going.

He knew that she talked about it with his mom, because he would walk into a room that they were in talking, all talking would cease to continue until he was either gone or until they left to be alone.

He had been so distracted by his thoughts that he didn’t even hear the front door open until Addie and his mom entered the room talking and laughing together. Ryan couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her laughing again. It had taken a while after her attack, but she finally started letting him get closer to her again… it was still awkward and they never did anything other than hang out and sort of talk, but it was still better than her pushing him away. He figured it wasn’t much, but it was a start.

“Oh, hey honey! What are you doing?” Abby asked as she set down a few of the bags she was carrying. Ryan looked away from Addie long enough to see his mother smiling brightly at him. He could tell something was up between the two of them, but there was honestly no telling what it was.

Those two have grown insanely close over the past year. Ryan’s mom was the only person Addie would really talk to about anything… especially if she needed someone to talk to about her nightmares that she used to have.

“Uhm, Ryan do you think we could talk for a minute?” Addie asked as she set down her bags and moved to sit next to him. He was kind of surprised at how close she sat to him… this was probably the closest she had been to him willingly since last year.

“Y-yeah. We can talk about anything you want,” he struggled to get out as he heard his mom’s retreating laughter. He looked over to see her leaving the room with a smile on her face as she watched them from over her shoulder.

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