Chapter 9

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Addie's P.O.V:

Jason had been the sweetest thing to Addie since they left the park. He offered to take her home so she could change if she wanted to, but she didn't feel like seeing her mother at the moment so she declined the offer. She didn’t know if she could face her after what she heard her say. Addie had thought she had just got her mother back, and now she’s talking about leaving?

The two of them were now sitting out front of the movie theater trying to decide what movie they were going to watch. Addie was standing to Jason’s side, but not close enough to where they were actually touching each other. She didn’t know if he actually wanted to touch her, or if this was just a friendly date. So she just decided to play it safe, and if he wanted to make some type of move and move closer, she would just let him.

"What do you want to see, Addie? Pick whatever you want, my treat!" Jason said looking down at Addie with kind blue eyes. He had beautiful eyes that Addie found herself getting lost in. "Addie if you just want to watch me that's okay you know. Plus it's free!" he continued when Addie didn’t answer and just kept looking at him. Blushing, she averted her eyes to the floor, mumbling a soft sorry. She couldn’t believe that he caught her staring at his eyes like that. She didn’t know if she would be able to look at him for the rest of the night. Jason placed two fingers under her chin lifting it up so he could look directly at her face. "You look rather cute when you blush." Addie couldn’t help but blush even more by his comment.

"That's mostly likely the nicest lie I've ever heard, but thanks anyway," Addie chuckled out. "How about we see Frozen?" She asked looking up at him waiting for a response. At first she thought he was going to shoot her down, but as immature as people may think it is, she really wanted to see this movie. It looked really good and everyone was saying it was the first Disney movie that didn’t have a guy being the hero.

"Frozen? The Disney movie?" he asked with a weird face.

"Yeah," she responded quietly, but quickly regretted her choice when he just stood there for a while without saying anything. She knew he was trying to find a way to turn her offer down. "We don't have to see that one, it's okay. You can just pick one and it'll be fine," Addie continued.

"Okay, how about we see... the second Hobbit movie? Sound good?" he asked looking down at her with wide eyes. Addie hadn't seen the first one and she really didn't want to go see the second, but she didn't want to upset Jason, especially after what he said to her earlier. So she nodded her head agreeing that that choice was fine with her. She could suck it up and watch it and act like she was interested. She wanted to enjoy this date, and if this is what she had to do to do this, then so be it.

The two of them walked up to the ticket counter and Jason bought two tickets for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. After handing, Addie her ticket, they made their way over to the line of people waiting to get into the rooms. She was happy that she didn’t see a lot of people from school that usually picked on her. It was very rare that when she went out, which was very rare, that she didn’t see people from school. She was glad that one of those times happened to be tonight when she was out with Jason. Every now and again, Jason would look over at the snacks and then down at Addie, but he never said anything. Addie could practically read his mind that he wanted something, but he was being polite and not leaving her side for food. She was happy he was being a gentleman, but she knew that he was hungry and wanted food.

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