Chapter 3

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Addie's P.O.V:

Addie went through the motions for the rest of the day, finding it hard to shake the feeling that she just screwed herself when it came to Ryan. She did the exact thing she knew she shouldn’t have done, and that was get on his bad side. She had never seen him get mad, but what she saw was frightening. And now, she gave him something to do… get with her. She didn’t want anything to do with him, or anyone at this school really, and now he’s going to go after her like he does all the other girls around here. But Addie wasn’t going to give in to him. She knew how he was when it came to girls, and no matter what he said or did, or even how amazingly attractive he was, she wasn’t going to give herself to him. She just couldn’t do that to herself.

As the lunch bell sounded throughout the school, she gathered her lunch and headed over to her usual spot at the table furthest away from everyone. Even before she started getting picked on she never really liked being surrounded by people. She just always felt better when she was alone, and now that she didn’t have any friends it was easier for her to do that.

She sat down slowly and set her limited lunch out on the table. She never could eat a lot. She didn’t know if it was because she was never really hungry anymore, or if all the names finally got to her. She used to eat, but then she started realizing that everyone was right, and that she was getting fat she pretty much stopped all together. When she did, however, manage to get a lot of food into her system, she could never hold it down for long. She let her eyes wonder around the cafeteria, watching as everyone talked and laughed and ate their lunches with their friends… but not her. She thought that one day she would actually get used to being alone in this big place. Feeling unloved, unwanted, and basically forgotten… but those aren’t something anyone could ever really get used to.

Shaking all thoughts from her head, Addie continued to nibble at her lunch, which only consisted of an apple and a bottle of water. She was lucky that they let her get only an apple. The lunch ladies usually asked why she wasn’t ever eating a full lunch, but Addie would always just shrug it off and take just the apple and water. Now, almost every time she tries to get only small fruits, they would try to sneak other food to her… like they knew she wasn’t eating right. But it wasn’t like Addie didn’t know not eating wasn’t healthy, it’s just that she could stand to gain any more weight. That would only add to the torment, and Addie had about all she could take of that for now.

 Looking around the room again she caught sight of a guy she had never seen before. He had soft blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were gorgeous. Definitely the popular type, not likely to even notice Addie's existence. Still, she found herself wishing that someone like him would just walk up to her and talk to her… not like she would know what to say or anything, but still… at least someone cared enough to talk to her. Deciding that it was for the best to just not worry about who he is and just finish her small lunch and get on with the rest of her day.

She didn’t look his way again for the rest of her time in that overly crowded room. She just sat there, eating her apple and looking at the table. She thought maybe she could come up with something to draw for her next class. She was taking art and she had finished her project before everyone else had, so she needed something else to do. She just didn’t have any idea what that would be at this point though.

She was walking by the trash can as she made her way out of the room, dropping her apple core in the disgusting ben. She never stayed in the cafeteria as long as the rest of the student body. She figured if she got out of there as fast as she could, she get her next class with less insults thrown at her.

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