Chapter 2

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Addie's P.O.V:

Addie walked through the door of her History class with just a few seconds to spare before the final bell rang. With a sigh, she quickly made her way to her seat with her head down. This was her normal routine, minus that she was almost late to class. She would usually get to class early so she could get in there before everyone else and she wouldn’t have to deal with all of the people messing with her as she traveled to the back of the room to sit down. She hated sitting in the back of the room, it was hard to hear what the teachers were saying, but she knew it was for the better if she did.

She tried to sit in the front of the classroom one before and she got yelled at by almost everyone in the room that she needed to move because she wasn’t privileged enough to be able to pay attention in class. Granted she was the one who was who made the best grades, even from her seat in the back. She no longer fought for a seat anymore, she simply would just take one in the back.

Just as she was about to reach her seat, a foot shot out of nowhere into the aisle just as Addie was about to step forward, causing her to trip and fall. Addie had never been known for her coordination, hell she wasn’t really known for anything other than being that fat pathetic nerd that no one liked. Looking up from her spot on the ground, she expected to see Lexi or some other little minion of Stacy smirking down at her, but instead her eyes locked with the most gorgeous pair of green irises that she has ever seen. She couldn’t seem to look away from them, they were fascinating. She let her eyes travel down the rest of his beautiful face, but she stopped short when she saw his full lips smirking at her. It wasn’t until then that she came to realize that the face she was staring at belonged to none other than Ryan Adams. Better known as the bad boy of the school.

Ryan Adams, much like Stacy, ran he school’s male population. He was a total dick to everyone around him, including the teachers. The one thing that everyone knew about Ryan was that you do whatever it takes to stay off of his bad side. Ryan was known to get into fights for now good reason, no matter what it was going on. Other than when he would call her a few names here and there, Addie never really had to deal with him much. And that, she was thankful for. She didn’t know if she could handle having to deal with Stacy’s constant torment and Ryan’s both during a school day.

Addie hadn’t realizing that she had been staring at his gorgeous face for that long until she heard him clear his throat. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t seem to force herself to. She could feel the heat begin to rush up her neck and spread across her cheeks, turning them a light shade of pink. She finally forced herself to look away when she heard him chuckle.

"See something you like, babe?" Ryan asked in a deep sultry voice. Addie knew her cheeks were turning from the light shade of pink, into a dark tint of red as he continued to gaze down at her. She didn’t know what to say. He had never actually spoken to her before and now here he was asking her questions in that sexy voice as he watched her with those irresistible eyes that fit perfectly on the god like face of his.

"N-no. Sorry, I d-didn’t m-mean to st-step on your foot," She timidly stuttered out her answer. She couldn’t even look up at him while she apologized for something that wasn’t even her fault. He opened his mouth to no doubt say some smart ass remark, but was interrupted by the teacher telling Addie to hurry up and get to her seat. So instead of sticking around to hear what Ryan was going to say, she quickly got up and made her way to her seat behind the class stoner. Yes, that’s right. She wasn’t even allowed to sit in front of the stoner kid who slept through every single class period… he was or ‘privileged’ than she was. Once everyone's laughter died down from my little fall, Mr. Hale began his lecture over the Civil War.

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