Chapter 5

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Peace. That's all Addie seemed to feel at the moment. The darkness surrounding her brought a certain type of security to her life that she didn't want to ever leave. Everything was black, Addie knew she was laying down somewhere but she didn't have any idea as to where that somewhere was. The last thing that comes to her mind is laying in the road about to pass out. What happened? How did she get here? Where is she? Thought after thought continued to fill Addie's head, making it hurt yet again.

Addie slowly began to try to figure out where she was, but the only thing that she could understand was that she was laying in a bed. She tries to open her eyes, but it's too much for her weak body. Trying again to move any part of her body, trying to find just the littlest thing that could give her a hint as to where she was right. Squeezing her hand slightly, she realized that she wasn't alone. There was someone else's hand holding her own.

'Who is in here with me?! Oh my God! It's the stranger from the street, the one that probably kidnapped me!" Addie thought to herself. With this thought running through her head, she mustered up all the strength she could and jerked her hand away from whoever it was sitting too close to her.

"Addie?! Sweetie can you hear me?" A soft, weak voice asked from beside her. It wasn't a stranger. It was her mother! Addie felt her heart fill with joy when she realized it was her mother who was the one sitting next to her, so close she could reach out a touch her. Fighting away the darkness that was still surrounding her body, she slowly opened her eyes.

The light was bright, too bright actually. She closed her eyes again. "The lights. The lights are too bright, mom" She weakly let out. She didn't know if anyone had actually heard her because she could still tell that the lights were on in the room, until everything got darker. Addie opened up her eyes again, this time she was able to look around the room. She searched for her mother around the room. Addie's eyes settle on the figure by the light switch, her mother.

"Is that better sweetheart?" Her mother softly asked, sounding on the verge of tears.

"Yes, mom. Thank you." Addie replied sending her best smile that she could give. "Mom, what happened? Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, Addie. I don't know how you got here but the nurse said this boy brought you in and said your name and that you were laying about a mile or two away from here. They called me not long after they got you fixed up." She replied smoothly. When Addie didn't say anything in return, her mother continued on. "Addie, what happened? Why were you on your way to the hospital at six in the morning? Also, what happened to your back?"

Addie just stared back into her mother's blue eyes. Could she tell her about what happened this morning when she found her father destroying everything in the house? Could she ruin their relationship even more than it already has been? No, she couldn't do that to her mother. So instead of telling her what happened, she decided she would just make up a story and pray she doesn't see through the lies. "Nothing happened, mom. I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk and I guess when I blacked out I cut my back on a rock or something." Addie shrugged trying to add affect to her lie.

"Adelynne Rayne, you tell me the truth right now. The cut on your back was too deep to be caused by falling on a rock! What happened to you!?" Her mother saw right through her story. The only way out of this was to most likely change the subject and get her mind off of her recent visit. "Addie, just tell me. Please!"

"Mom, is dad here? Did he come with you? Or is he still at home?" Addie asked changing the subject to someone who she really wished she could just forget right now. Her mother slowly nodded her head and explained that he was waiting in the hall outside. "Oh. I didn't expect him to be here, too."

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