Chapter 7

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Addie's P.O.V:

Jason still didn't look happy to be anywhere near Addie by the time we pulled up to Addie's house. Addie shifted her gaze over to Jason, trying to decide whether or not she should say something or just leave. She didn’t want to leave things on a bad note, especially since she wasn’t even entirely sure what he was mad about. He hadn't even tried to say one word to her since they walked out of her hospital room, and he was currently looking out the windshield with no expression at all. His face was simply blank, giving away nothing about what was really running through his mind. Addie figured that if he was going to say something to her, he would have done it by now.

"Thanks for the ride, Jason," Addie said as she quickly climbed out of the truck and shut the door behind her. She didn’t know if he was going to say anything to her, but at this point she really didn’t care. He was being an asshole towards her so she didn't even turn to look if he was about to say something or if he was even watching her. She just kept walking towards the door.

Bending over, Addie took the key from under the welcome mat and placed it in the door knob. She heard the lock click as she turned the key. She knew she could go in now, but she didn’t know if she wanted to. After all, the reason she was in the hospital was just on the other side of this door, and there was also Jason behind her. After pushing the door open, she risked a glance towards Jason's truck… Only to see it wasn't there anymore.

He had driven off. Just like that. No explanation, no goodbye, nothing. She knew that this was most likely the end of whatever it was that was starting to grow between them. Which meant that her date was gone, and she would be lucky if anyone ever took interest in her again. Shaking her head, Addie walked into the house and shut and locked the door behind her. She tossed the spare key on the table making a mental note to put it back later. She began to make her way up the stairs when she heard her name being called out from the direction of the kitchen.

Sighing quietly, she braced herself for whatever was going to be said to her this time. Would it be that she was wasting their money by having to go to the hospital? Or maybe it would be along the lines of that she wasn’t even wanted here anymore. Yeah, she had heard that one a time or two. At this point she didn’t really even care what it was she was being told, she knew it was all true and she didn’t need anyone else to tell her what she already told herself every single day of her life when she woke up and looked at her disgusting self.

She turned back around and headed towards the noise. As she entered the kitchen, she was surprised to see her mother standing there. It wasn't that her mother was standing alone in the kitchen, it was the fact that her mother now had a deep bruise across her cheek. Addie was certain that she had not had a bruise last she saw her. She couldn’t keep the look of shock off of her face as she stared at the shiner on her mother’s face. She may not be very close to her mother, but one thing that she did know for certain, her mother was always careful to not have any type of marks on her face. Which could only leave one explanation as to how the new bruise appeared.

"Mom, what is that on your face?" Addie asked, giving her mother a chance to tell her what she was pretty sure she already knew. Her mother's hand raised up to her cheek and she saw the tears in her mother's eyes. She had never actually seen her mother cry, well not since the incident with her father all those years ago. Her mother had got into a fight with her father and he had said some pretty hurtful things and she started to cry. He yelled saying that if he ever saw her cry for nothing ever again, he would make it to where she would never be able to cry again. Addie hadn’t seen a tear in her eye since that day, until now. Upon instinct, Addie ran to her mother and pulled her into a big hug. Her mother buried her head in Addie's shoulder and just cried. "What happened?" she asked frantically as she tried to calm her mother down.

The Dangers of Love (The Dangers Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant