Chapter 32

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Ryan's P.O.V:

Ryan layed on the couch just thinking about what he had do to get Addie back. She was really pissed off at him and there was no one to blame but himself. He didn’t know why he didn’t see that Jess had something planned. She’s a conniving bitch, always has been, and now he’s losing the one thing he truly cares about. Being alone on the couch instead of in the warm bed with Addie, was killing him. He didn't know what it was that Jess said to Addie, but it was obviously bad enough to cause her to end thing between them.

That whole night Ryan layed on the couch just thinking of what he would have to do to get Addie to at least tell him what was going on. Or he would have to go to Jess, and if he got caught talking to her in front of Addie, that was just going to make everything worse. And that was not what he needed right. He just knew that if Addie saw him talking to her after whatever was said, there would be no chance of getting her back at all.

Before Ryan knew it, the light was shining on his face through the window. Groaning, he rolled over and pushed his face deeper into the couch cushion, requesting to go to sleep... but no sleep came. There was too much on his mind for him to even hope for any sleep.

Just like the night before, sleep was pushed into the back of Ryan's mind, and his problems with Addie were pushed to first priority. A pestering poke kept touching his side, and at first he thought he had finally fallen asleep and was dreaming, but when he started to hear his name he knew that wasn't the case. All he wanted was to fall asleep and forget about the problems that he had caused, well not by himself, and that's it.

When the pestering didn't stop, Ryan began to get aggravated. "What?!" he yelled in the face of a shocked Addie. Immediately his face softened and he regretted yelling at her. As quickly as she looked shocked and frightened, her features turned into annoyed and pissed off all over again. "Addie-," he tried but she lifted her had up in the air to stop him before he could say anything else. She didn’t even want to hear him talk… it had gotten that bad between them. He had to find out what was said between her and Jess. He had to!

'Stop," she said as she lowered her hand and shook her head as she looked away from him. "Never mind. Just forget what that I was here at all. That should be easy for you seeing as you've been going behind my back with Jessica for who knows how long," she sneered her name before turning around and strutting away. Ryan couldn't believe that this was the same scared shy girl he had met all those months ago.

Addie was now this stunningly confident girl that wasn't afraid to tell him to shut the hell up or to walk away from him. She was always speaking her mind when she was around him. The only problem with that, she was only like that with him. When she was around all of the people who had made her high school life a living hell, Addie turned back into that insecure girl that she was before Ryan got to know her. And that wasn't what he wanted for her. He wanted for her to be strong, and happy, and not afraid… but now he didn’t even know where he stood with her. She didn’t seem to want him anywhere near her, and that in itself was killing him inside.

Hearing the door slam shut, Ryan jerked his head up and looked over to see the back of Addie's head through the door walking away. She was walking to school, because he had been an asshole this morning and yelled at her. She had come down here to ask for a ride, at least that's what he wanted to believe. Why couldn’t he just stop being such an asshole to people? Addie didn’t deserve that, not in the slightest… yet here they were.

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